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A Lack of Diversity on LikeToKnow.It

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Ok, we all know that I never, ever refrain from speaking up about issues I see in the blogging and/or fashion world. I am not one to be afraid to “harm” my brand by expressing publicly the things most of us think about or speak privately. A few years ago IFB caused a riot in the blogosphere with an article that pretty much stated that curvy bloggers did not have quality blogs compared to their slimmer counterparts, and many were upset and I put my feelings out there on YouTube in the form of a video. I do not shy from using my voice because God blessed me with one and I will never be a “yes” woman.

With that said. There are many popular monetization/ affiliate networks that bloggers can use to fatten their wallets a bit while still being creative. Many of us use links on our blogs to allow our readers the opportunity to purchase what we have on if they so choose. I think that is great and a company by the name of Reward Style saw a void and filled it by creating a network that made it simple for bloggers to link to products and get paid for it. I am not sure if they were the first but regardless they are very well known and used by many in our little fashion world. With the growing popularity of  social media platforms, Reward Style launched a service called LikeToKnow.It that enables bloggers a way to link what they are wearing to the product on Instagram. Basically you can “shop your favorite Instagrams”.

It really is a fantastic idea and many use it.

While I do not want to open up the “there is a lack of diversity in the fashion world” box, I am certainly pulling a folder from it to speak on the very real issue concerning Reward Style and LikeToKnow.It.

Instagram is without a doubt the social media platform that matters the most in the blogging world. Brands tend to see your numbers and are more apt to work with you if your IG followers and engagement are high. It is not easy at all to increase your Instagram followers by just producing great content and quality visuals. It takes supporting other IG accounts and hoping they will follow you back, loop giveaways and most importantly being featured on a highly followed account to get a boost to your own numbers. The latter seems to be the only way that mine grows. Just recently I gained a little over 700 new followers by being featured on the Fashion Bomb Daily’s account.

So back to Reward Style, LikeToKnow.It and the lack of diversity……

If you go to the LikeToKnow.It instagram account, you will see tons and tons of amazingly put together outfits, gorgeous girls, and bright visuals! Total winner right and oh so appealing? As you scroll and scroll through their 6000 plus pictures, it only takes about 30 seconds to see that they sure dont have much diversity! All I see are slim, blonde or brunette, colorblocked outfit wearing white girls. Most are looking down at their shoes in the pictures, or have their back to the camera or playing with their hair. Which heck, I have a ton of pictures just like that and so do all of my beautiful black girl magic sistas! But alas, it probably takes about 100 images of the caucasian girls to see one high melanin content beauty.

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My question is why?

I know its not because people of color are not using the service and using the hash tags. So who is behind their IG account and making the choice to exclude so much diversity?

I honestly want answers. Because it is fact that the African American community attributes more to spending than the other groups so wouldn’t featuring us be a great idea?

I do not even want to limit this to a lack of color issue on their Instagram accounts but also a significant lack in featuring curvy girls. I am not sure where the people of Reward Style live, but this planet, Earth, the average woman is not a size 2-6. So again may I ask, why oh why do you rarely if ever feature anyone with ample thighs or a not so whittled waist or slight cankles or popeye calves or hips for days or heck all the above?

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I know I am not the first to mention this and I will not be the last.

The problem goes far beyond just Reward Style and blogging. It is the fashion industry as a whole. While I do see many changes and more inclusivity and diversity, we still have such a long way to go. I was really hoping that with the growth of blogs and bloggers as influencers we would see a more realistic portrayal of women but no….. we have not.


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So yes this may be a rant.  And, yes, I am well aware that Reward Style will probably never change and actually offer more diversity on its page but just like that company saw a void and filled it, why cant we do the same. If they do not want to include us, why dont we take our money elsewhere? Why dont we create our own “reward style” that features all women no matter the color or size. Our “reward style” would only be concerned with creators with high quality images and a great fashion sense that would influence others to want to get the same items.

But again, I am sure I am living in a lala land again because this is our world and it is still very much against women of color and women of non model size.

So RewardStyle, please put on your stylish big girl undies and offer us answers. Thank you!



  1. August 22, 2015 / 12:26 am

    I so agree, its very disheartening and I see that on most websites. I have to search and search images to find a photo featuring non-white girls in fashion photos.

  2. V.
    August 23, 2015 / 6:57 pm

    As a white male I am bemused by it too. If the editors don’t notice beautiful woman of ALL ethnicities then it’s about time they opened their eyes!

    Well said & keep up the good work.

  3. V.
    August 23, 2015 / 6:58 pm

    I’d also like to see more older ladies. A bit off topic maybe, but still concerns the general lack of diversity!

  4. August 25, 2015 / 5:31 pm

    This is a constant thing in the industry… I think that was one reason I never got in to fashion industry. I would like to see someone start a curvy version of this… It would probably blow them out of the water… #BLM

  5. August 25, 2015 / 10:38 pm

    Nicely written! How some fashion and beauty companies can continue to completely overlook the beauty of POC is beyond me.

  6. August 26, 2015 / 4:21 am

    I noticed that too when it first launched. It’s a darn shame.

    I was on a Facebook group you belong to recently and commented about another blogger’s concern about the lack of participation by women of color on that platform. I noted how a very popular style site not long ago shared a list of the top 50 Style Pinners to Pin and again, they were essentially the same vanilla types pinning the same variations of the same thing. No diversity and not umph or color or difference in what they pinned. It was just the absence of flavor that struck me and the mere fact they couldn’t see it.

    It says a lot! Thanks for pointing this out! I”ll raise some heck on social media too and direct interest back here if I can. Great post!

  7. August 31, 2015 / 8:15 pm

    This is so sad that something like this is still going on, but it’s so true. From modeling to movies to blogger and sadly to every day life discrimination is still happening. I’ve only been blogging for a few years, but it was the lack of diversity that made me start. The more of us that are out there, hopefully with time this will change. Thank you for being brave enough to write this! #powerful

    Mercedes Marie

  8. September 2, 2015 / 2:55 pm

    Again, this is sad! And may I add that the black women they choose to share have such minimalist styles…ugh. As a blogger who is unashamed of color…I find it disconcerting! And I agree with the lack of older bloggers! Older women can dress too! And since we’re on the topic, what about male bloggers???

  9. October 19, 2015 / 5:08 pm

    So not surprised at this and I don’t know if it will change but way to start the conversation and hopefully change will follow!!

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