It has been such a long time since I have done a weekend recap post and I am feeling like going back to basics. With the family, blogging obligations, extracurricular activities, and clients to shoot, my weekends are often super jam packed. Have I told yall just how thankful I am to have such a supportive husband who helps me maintain it all?
This weekend started with only a few things on the calendar and ended with me running around every single day with a schedule of tasks or places to be.
But I am NOT complaining!

Right after work, Jermaine and I headed to Bowie State for an event with Ruth Carter. I was honored and humbled to have been chosen by Maggy Francois to help moderate a panel discussion with Ms. Carter. She has had a career spanning over 30 years and I have loved every single movie she has worked on. Ms. Carter is far beyond just Black Panther!


Fridays are my work from home days from my 9-5 (yup I still have one of those) and after I finished my work– scheduling content for our social media channels, I had an appointment at Ivy Wild in the Manhattan Laundry building in DC. I don’t want to go in depth about Ivy Wild because a full blog post and fun video is going live this week but just know YOU REALLY SHOULD go to this store for your skin care and makeup needs. Im SOLD!

After my appointment at Ivy Wild, Jermaine and I took some outfit photos for the blog and then treated ourselves with some La Colombe coffee. I tried the Draft Latte and he enjoyed the Shandy. Who knew that coffee could mix so deliciously with lemonade?!?!!?
We then headed back to Maryland to pick up the kids and have a movie and pizza night at the house. I always feel so alive when we have them because they bring us SO much joy. After watching downstairs, we all headed upstairs and watched a little more of the tube in our bed and Kai ended up falling asleep on me. Picking him up and taking him to his room was no easy task lol.

The next morning I had to be up super early to meet one of my clients to shoot her at the Lincoln Memorial. It was packed but we got some REALLY dope photos that I cannot wait to show you. After 3 hours of shooting, I hopped in an Uber and headed straight to Anacostia park to play some football and watch some football. I was a little bummed because due to a little injury, I did not make it to Baltimore for Parktober Fest but I heard it was a BLAST!

As we were heading back home to rest, I get a text from a new friend asking if I would like to attend a dinner with her sponsored by Lincoln Motors on the Odyssey. Catch was, I had less than 1 hour to get read and make it from my house to SouthWest DC.
Did I make it?
You’re darn right I did and had a great time too!

Sunday is brunch day and we are trying to start a new tradition with the kids to try out one new brunch spot monthly with them in DC, Maryland or Virginia. So by 10:30am we were all sitting in a comfy booth at Jaspers trying out their brunch buffet and I loved every single morsel.
After brunch we played games at Chuck E Cheese and then came back home to get ready for the Lincoln Style Sessions event at the Gensler Building.

This event was DOPE! The building is cool. The fashion show was fun. The drinks were super tasty. All my friends were there and I made some awesome new connections. Pretty much, I could not have asked for a better ending to the weekend. Thank you Lincoln!

Did you follow along on my social channels? How was your weekend and what did you do?

For weekend recaps, I do not edit photos and these are a mixture of iphone and canon pics. I like these to be raw and authentic and highlight the weekend.
Outfit Details
Please subscribe to my newsletter to receive outfit details to your email. Ill be sending out a newsletter with those details as well as my favorite places to shop in DC via my newsletter!
Now that’s a jam packed weekend! I love how you made time for everything that brings you joy.
Wow! What a jam packed weekend!
it was but so worth it!