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A little Washington DC Couple Style

Happy Saturday yall-

This post is going to be just a photo intense one as I am slightly out of words for the day. I am nursing a two-day long migraine and just pure fatigue. I think the last 2-3 months of go, go, go are hitting me hard, hard, hard.

The other day Jermaine and I were headed to run errands and I realized we were matching. Thankful for a tripod that seems to remain in the car and a camera always on my person, we found a secluded area and quickly snapped these. And by quickly, I mean it took less than 10 minutes.

We definitely would have shot more but the heat in Maryland and DC has been just shy of oppressive and I don’t like being outdoors. Have I mentioned how much I detest the heat? I am not a summer girl.

Well, let me rephrase…. I am not a humid summer girl. Happiest around 80 degrees with a humidity around 25-30%. Yes, that particular.

Enough of my rambling and here are the photos and outfit details.


1 Comment

  1. Janita
    July 24, 2021 / 4:44 pm

    I think as a couple we end up matching clothes when it is not the intention.

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