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Angelica Blick

Even though I am a blogger, I dont really go through too many blogs. I have so many on my bloglovin but probably only visit that reader once or twice a month. I am rarely inspired by many of the blogs out there and not because of the clothes but just the whole aesthetic. I am tired of the standing around outfit posts. I want you to tell me a story. I am guilty of being one of those boring bloggers as well but the new site I am launching, changes ALL of that. Photography is another key ingredient for me to be a loyal reader of a blog. If your photos absolutely suck, you will not have me coming to your blog. I have gotten to the point now that I dissect and analyze images. On a daily basis I am sending links to Sig and asking him questions and telling him what I think they did right or wrong. My biggest issue is when the focus is one the wrong thing. Drives me nuts!!!
One of the very, very few blogs I visit on a daily, is Angelica Blick’s site. Her photography is impeccable, tells a story, and never the same. I sometimes forget its about the outfit on some of her posts because I feel as if I am there with her and/or feeling the same thing she did at that time. That is how good it is to me. Second, I love that her blog is really a journal. She talks about her day and plans in an unfiltered way that it makes readers believe we spent it with her. Remember a blog is a journal and we should make it about ourselves. Seriously F what you think people “want” to see and just be yourself. This is my favorite thing about her. It also helps that she is beyond gorgeous!
She is certainly my blogging inspiration and visiting her site always brings me right back to where I started and in a good way. 
Forget following a recipe for blogging success &
 just dance to the pitter patter beat of your own heart!
more pictures from her blog below.
One day I really truly hope to meet her…. maybe in NYC for NYFW in September! 😉

all images are hers

Thank you Angelica for being so gosh darn kick ass!
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