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Baltimore’s Top Light Painter

The blog has opened up many doors for me, allowed me entrance into fashion events I never would have thought I would ever get invitations for, and it has introduced me to some of the most amazing people in the world. No it is not an exagerration. Some of my best friends I met through blogging and my photographer and creative director Sig I met because of this endeavor. I have nothing but love for him and can not remember what I did before meeting him. I put an ad out on Craigslist looking for an amateur photographer to snap some outfits for me on a weekly basis. I got a TON of responses but Sig was the most persistent and had such detailed emails that I had to meet him. He also did something that none of the others did, he went through pretty much all of my posts to learn about the person I am and he offered me suggestions and critique. 
He went above and beyond and continues to as we work together. I am excited and honored that I am the first blogger he has worked with and I am flattered that even though I am not as organized as I should be with our shoots, that he puts up with me!
The image above is one of my favorite pieces from his collection. I forced him into the fashion photography realm but his true love is light painting and he adores post processing. I was never a fan of post processing because I always thought it was the magazine photo shopping that we see with the distorted bodies and airbrushing. I would not allow him to PP my pics from shoots because of my ignorance. When I finally allowed him to post process in anyway that he wanted and I would post the pictures, I fell in love with what he brought to the table. It is a few posts back and Im rocking the crop top and boyfriend jeans on the railroad tracks.
 He has taught me that a simple run through Lightroom or PS or even a web photo editor can add such depth and impact to a simple portrait.
I chose this image to showcase also because its a Baltimore icon. I love having a foot in Baltimore and one in DC. I am trying to get out more in Baltimore and as touristy as it is, I do love the harbor and this boat. One of these weekends I am going to head over there and take my own picture of it. I love editing now and cannot wait to show the world how I “see” this exact same ship!!
For those into photography, keep on reading for details on why he took the picture and how he edited it and for those who could care less, an outfit post will be coming out soon enough.
Thank you Sig for allowing me to share one of my favorite pieces with my readers.
 I appreciate it and you oh so very much!

Why did you choose to photograph the boat in the Baltimore Harbor?
I enjoyed the contrast of the older restored boat with the modern-day glass building in the background.
 What was your vision for this image?
lately I have been experimenting with incorporating light painting with other styles of photography. This image is HDR photography while using light painting to highlight certain aspects of the image that would not be as prominent or visible taking solely a HDR image 
(ie. The flower pots and the beams within the glass building).
What did you use for Post Processing?
 In keeping with my belief that light painting images should never be edited or processed past white balance, this image was not processed in lightroom or photoshop. The only program used was Photomatix. This program is used for layering HDR images. If you are unaware of what HDR photography is, it is taking multiple images of the same object at different exposures and then layering the images to create a unique final image.
*jen tip- the Canon T3i has this built in if you would like to try it under Manual shooting*
 See more of Sig’s work on:
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