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Bday Wish List: Adidas AR 3.0

I am one of those girls who absolutely adores her birthday. I celebrate ALL month long and do at times act like a spoiled brat because well, its MY day! March 2 is the absolute best day of the year and there is nothing anyone can tell me different.

While in New York for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, fashion writer Christine had on these vibrant, cherry red tennis shoes that I instantly became enthralled with and I am far from a sneakerhead. These bad boys did something to me though because I became obsessed. I snapped pics, I tweeted about them and after speaking to a friend, found out the exact style. Then to add to my enthusiasm, the Adidas website actually allows you to CUSTOMIZE your own pair!!! Sheesh, there goes my productivity for the day… decisions, decisions!

These bad boys are going on the birthday wish list asap. Funny how they are basketball shoes and for a better part of my life, I lived in basketball shoes playing in AAU and Junior Pro….

What colors would you guys go for?

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