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Beyonce, fashion icon

“We have an opportunity to contribute to a society where any girl can look at a billboard or magazine cover and see her own reflection,” Beyoncé said. “Soul has no color. No shape, No form. Just like all your work, it goes so far beyond what the eyes can see. You have the power to change perception, to inspire and empower, to show people how to embrace their complications and flaws and see the true beauty that’s inside all of us.” – Beyonce during her CFDA Fashion Icon Award acceptance speech

While I am not a huge fan of her clothing choices and style most times, I will always respect her as an absolute amazing songstress and performer. I am still on the fence as to her being deserving of this award but regardless she is in fact killing it and all props must be due for that! Major shout out to one of my favorite true fashion icons: Shiona Turini for her work on Formation!  Back to Beyonce….Oh the girl is a marketing genius also…. or she has hired marketing geniuses for sure! I wanted to share this quote because it embodies everything that I have been speaking and preaching on in this blog since 2012! This really spoke to me and I truly hope that the industry listens… finally!

Past Body Positive Posts

and my first ever video on the matter:



Congrats Beyonce!!

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