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Camo and Military Trend

photographer: Louis Hopson
Hey all-
Even when the trend is over, I will still be wearing camo and military inspired garments. There is something dynamite about this print especially paired with leather. Or maybe I am just obsessed with leather and think it goes with any and everything. Today though I didn’t wear leather. I kept it simple and basic for a quick day of running errands with my boyfriend. He served in the Air Force and has buttloads of camo pants, jackets, shirts and even a hat and what is the best is that we were almost the exact same size pant. With a belt they will look fabulous on my frame and will certainly be rocking them soon! Mattie James did a kick ass job of rocking camo pants recently even though it was with a Biggie sweatshirt… sorry Mattie but I am West Side Till I Die!!!
p.s. my hair is really growing and getting thicker and I am loving it. About 2 more extensions sessions and I think it will be where I near it to be.

can you see that line of demarcation? lol

Maxi Dress: Ralph Lauren Option 1/ Option 2
Belt: Express
Sunnies: H&M similar HERE
Purse: Vintage Gucci from Ebay
Jenni Jehanne

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