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Capture Your Style Book Review

If you follow Song of Style like I do, you know her long awaited book, Capture Your Style is out and many, many, many are buying it. Being someone who loves her instagram aesthetic and likes that she sticks to her own individuality, I was pretty excited about it. I wanted to learn her secrets. I wanted to know her filters. I wanted to know what she uses and why. Did Capture Your Style, capture my attention while reading? Well peruse down below to get that answer.


Capture Your Style begins with a foreword written by Diane Von Furstenberg herself. The queen of feminity and simplistic bad assness! At first it was just so shallow to me. It lacked the depth that I would like to see in a foreword. As I kept reading though, I loved this “The book is equally interesting to anyone who wants to understand how millennials think and see the world, and Im so impressed by Aimee’s candor and honesty about the process”. This made me excited to turn the pages as I was looking forward to an honest and transparent view into Aimee’s process.

After the foreword comes the introduction by Aimee Song and well it prompted the biggest smile and a slight exclamation of “yes!” as I read it. It was so real! It was so transparent. When it comes to influencers/bloggers, I gravitate to those who dont “fake the funk” and instead remember they are just every day people who with a mix of hard work and luck, have won this blogging game! She spoke on her personal struggles and those words allowed me to relate to her in a way that her Instagram does not always exhibit. I wanted to stop reading there because at that point, I just wanted to be her friend- F the book!



If you are looking for a wishy washy book with pretty pictures of a pretty girl living her pretty life- you’ve got that in Capture Your Style. If you are looking for the above plus a very detailed guide to all things Instagram, then Capture Your Style is that and more. As an avid Instagrammer ( I run 4 accounts), I had to go ahead and skip a couple of pages because it was all “duh” material since I use the platform daily but for a novice, its perfect! I got this book because I love photography and I love the filters that Aimee Song uses on her feed. (Oh and if you dont know what the feed is, you definitely need this book… just sayin!) I wanted all her secrets or at least some of them. As much as I love this book, I was a teeny tiny bit sad that she chose to be very generic with those particulars. Yes she uses vsco, a popular photography editing tool but WHAT are your favorite filters? This obviously is my own personal thing and of course it does not take away from the great content in Capture Your Style but this was my drawback. 

In a particular segment she shows the step by step of her editing process.Even then there is only mention of a Vsco filter but not which one. Marianna Hewitt, a true transparent IG’r is one that will give you the nitty gritty of her process and I wish that Aimee Song had done the same with her own book.


Hands down the absolute most fantastic section of Capture Your Style is chapter 3: Become a Story Teller. I always believed in following a theme or a particular color aesthetic but never once did I think to tell a story with my feed. All the kudos to Ms. Song for that! I do not want to give out details of how she states to do so because I believe everyone should purchase it, but her numerical guide is just AWESOME!!! I literally am changing my whole entire thought and posting process because of this. It is just fabulous in my opinion!

There is so much more that I could write about in this Capture Your Style book review but by doing so, I would be releasing the secrets that are in fact written and taught in the book. I truly believe in supporting other women and supporting other entrepreneurs so I will refrain from giving details and keeping others from purchasing it themselves. Alot of hard work went into this book and it would not be right of me to just divulge freely. So go ahead and support a fellow woman and let your fingers type in and the “Capture Your Style”. 


So here is a quick breakdown:

For novice Instagrammers or those who just throw stuff on the platform: GET THIS BOOK! You will learn so much and it will catapult your instagram into the cool kids stratosphere. Not guaranteeing you will have a million followers but hey your IG will all around be way prettier, stylish or just fantastic!

For Pro-Grammers or those who love the platform and use it as a brand portfolio: GET THIS BOOK when you have a little extra moolah in your pocket. It is not a must for pros minus a few very eye opening tidbits. If you just love seeing beautifully styled photography then I fully recommend it as well. It’s almost the best of the best of Aimee Song’s Instagram and it does make you see why she has SUCH a huge following! The girl is smart with her Instagram!!! I am extremely frugal with my money and am glad that I got it. I still wish oh-so-much that we knew which filters Aimee Song gravitates towards when telling her story on Instagram but alas, she keeps this tight to the vest. Regardless, I have nothing but the most utmost respect for her and this book. It is all around great and I hope to see some beautiful theme filled feeds on everyone’s Instagram from here on out.

For me personally: I learned a lot about travel photography and posting on this platform. I learned her awesome “feed” story telling advice, I received inspiration for my next few outfit posts and I learned about Instagram clichés! So for 11 bucks, yup, I’m happy!!!!

Thank you for reading my Capture Your Style Book Review! If you read it, what did you think?

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1 Comment

  1. September 30, 2016 / 7:38 pm

    I always respected your honor opinion so I’m so glad you did a book review on this! Now I know I should actually buy it! Lol thank you!

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