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Christmas in Florida

So right now I’m sitting on my mom’s bed in Florida and Teagan is beating on a Haitian drum and I’m as happy as a clam. It was quite the decision for us to travel given the pandemic but we decided to go for it, boarded a plane and spend the holidays in the sunshine state.

So far, I don’t regret this decision not one bit. Seeing my mom with Teagan and seeing Teagan with the dogs was worth the anxiety of being on the plane during this scary time. Life is oh so short and while we MUST be cautious and vigilant I am secure on the decision to choose to give the what if fear the middle finger and do what would make my heart content.

Teagan was an absolute angel on the flight. She played independently. She watched Word Party on her phone and she waved bye to every single person she could.

We have now been in Florida for just shy of a week and I wanted to share a few photos with all of you. In the 6 days we have been here, we have visited the grocery store at least 3 times. I love shopping in Florida because I find things I normally don’t see in Maryland. And frankly, the fact I can get wine at Target while purchasing Teag’s formula is a huge win.

The weather has been pretty mild. We had one over 75 degree day so we headed straight to the beach. There are a ton of different beaches within a 40 min drive of my mom’s house. On our Beach day I chose Barefoot Beach because of the drive to the beach. The multi-million dollar homes are just a joy to see.

On Christmas Day we kept it very low key. We actually did not get out of bed till nearly 1pm and that’s pure joy! The last few months have been VERY busy for us with campaigns and our jobs (9-5 and as parents) so being able to just be still is the gift that keeps on giving. We took family photos ans them visited a few folks and that was it.

We didn’t do gifts this year and I’m thinking this will be an annual tradition. Personally I hate the forced nature of it all. I prefer to give my loved ones gift throughout the year instead of all on one day where it’s expected. Teagan got some gifts though because it’s her first Christmas.

Speaking of Teagan- this girl has terrorized the dogs. My mom has two dogs— a bichon frisé and a rescue dog, and Teagan is obsessed with them. Like will not leave them alone. But the funny thing is that she won’t pet them in their face, she wants to grab their butts. Not their tails. But their rear ends. It’s funny to us but a place of true contention to them. They don’t like her. It’s clear.

Yesterday, Jermaine and I ventured out sans Teagan and just hung out together. We went shopping at Miromar Outlets and I got myself something I have wanted for YEARS!!!! Yes, white high top Chucks. So simple I know. It was a perfect day.

2021 I am truly bringing back the blog posts of just keeping it about my day instead of always trying to teach something or be SEO perfect. One thing that vlogmas taught me was that folks love to get an inside look into your life. It’s probably why reality shows do so well. So welcome to my reality. I hope you enjoy.

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