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Claude-Alix Bertrand and Haiti’s Polo Team

Haiti Polo Captain Claude Alix Bertrand- Comme Coco


This is easily one of the most viral images circulating through sports and Haitian culture blogs today. This picture of Haiti’s Polo Team (yup you read that correctly) Captain Claude Alix Bertrand joyously celebrating their championship in a major tournament only shows a smidgen of the team’s story of hard work and quick decision making.

When I first heard of their win, I had tears in my eyes. Not only because of my almost napoleonistic Haitian pride but because of what this means to my cousin, Claude-Alix. I was blessed enough to sit down and chat with him recently about life, love (of fashion), and the pursuit of happiness (through polo).

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Since the age of 7, Claude-Alix has been riding horses but it was not until attending an equestrian summer camp in Barbados that his love of Polo began. This haitian-born but world traveled athlete was very adamant that the sport has become a part of his bloodstream and that there is an “undeniable connection”.

Claude-Alix began competing in 2003 and through countless injuries such as broken ribs, fingers, nose and legs, he still has a youthful almost cheshire cat smile on his face while discussing his adventures in the Sport of Kings.



Its very hard to associate the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with such a regal sport but on August 3, 2014, Team Haiti was victorious in earning its first championship in a major Polo Tournament, the San Francisco International Classic beating the USA team. My first question to Claude-Alix was “how on earth did Haiti get a team”? He responded first with his unique chuckle and then explained that this was something he always wanted to do but as an United States Polo Association member at Menlo Polo Club he was unable to do so. As he states it was all serendipitous when he was approached by the Secretary of Tourism about gaining exposure for Haiti. Being that Haiti is Claude-Alix’s birthplace, it was only natural that he merge his love of polo with his love of his country. This is when the Macoutes Polo Team was born. I gave him a puzzled look and questioned his choice of team names. “Macoutes? Really? and again his signature chuckle and then a more serious tone explaining that “Yes, Macoutes has a negative connotation but whether good or bad, that name is an instant way to think and associate with Haiti”. I could not help but agree.






25 Things to Know about Claude-Alix Bertrand & Polo

1. His favorite designers are Belstaff and Moncler

2. He describes his style as masculine yet comfortable.

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3. He likes to name horses after currency ie. Dollar, Euro, Yen

4. Polo players switch out horses every 7 minutes and the horses run about 30-35mph during a match

5. Most polo ponies are from Argentina

6. Claude-Alix’s favorite store in his hometown of San Francisco is Union Made

7. He prefers to be tie less with an open collar


8. His favorite color is white because it is clean and crisp

9. He prefers smaller brands that make a few unique pieces as opposed to mass produced chain retailers

10. Polo boots are custom fit to the exact measurement of the player’s leg and take weeks to break in

11. His favorite beach vacation spot: Bora Bora and St. Barts

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12. Favorite shopping locale: New York

13. Favorite Polo Tournament: San Francisco International Polo Classic because of the win

14. Life has been a whirlwind of Tv appearances and radio interviews since the championship

15. Biggest Moment: hearing the Haitian National Anthem played at the tournament and then 50 seconds later scoring the first goal for Team Haiti in San Francisco. He said “every cell in my body had goosebumps”

16. Most Embarrassing Polo Story: Claude-Alix was asked to get on his horse for a video segment for NBC on polo. According to fellow Polo players, “I have a very distinct mounting style, so I was chosen to do it” The cameras were rolling and he hopped on but instead of landing in his normal spot on the saddle, he landed on the saddle’s peak. The expressions of him cringing are supposedly beyond comical. (mental note to find that footage)

17. His biggest supporter is not who you would think. He counts himself as his biggest supporter for constantly pumping himself up despite the wars in his head about how much stress the sport puts on his body. He notes that his mother (my aunt) Jessie Coles is his biggest external support but no force is greater than an internal one.


18. He used to own a chain of restaurants in San Francisco named: Standing Room Only and sold them all in 2003

19. His favorite Comme Coco outfit: “anything that shows off your legs” he exclamated, “oh no Tatie Jacotte is going to be mad at that one BUT you have strong legs and they should not be hidden”

20. Favorite Motto: Life is not about finding yourself. It is about CREATING yourself.

21. In 5 words describe who you have created: Resilient, Fighter, Grateful, Happy, Haitian


22. His favorite athletes are all tennis players because they have a very cool vibe

23. Tom Ford makes the jeans he loves the most because they are cut for muscular thighs

24. Claude-Alix loves the Fall because its sweater season

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25. When asked who is your favorite cousin of all time, he stated without hesitation “You of course”. j/k

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As this is published, Claude-Alix is on a plane to Haiti to be honored in his home country for his success as an International Polo Player! Good luck cous!


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