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Comme Coco Candids-Valentines Day Shopping

Since I have decided to take the blog in a new photography direction I am also going to do more “regular” posts as well. Too many blogs now a days are turning into mini fashion pictorials. As much as I do enjoy seeing those I found myself far more drawn to those that gave me a glimpse of the individual in those clothes. To grab some candy and valentines treats, I wore an all black ensemble accessorized with my new Brianne Faye scarf and Oasap dragon cuff earring. I fricken adore the earring but unfortunately my little elf ears do not… it just will not stay on even with all of the adjusting I do. I am kinda liking the way its just hanging down though…. gotta make it just work! As far as the scarf-I love the colors and length of it but what I love most about Brianne Faye’s line is that its from my home state of Michigan!! Please be prepared to see this worn repeatedly in different ways because its definitely a winner. As I mentioned previously, I have a new photographer and I am having such an amazing time shooting with him. He forces me to stop “posing” and to just go on with daily activities and he will capture my true essence. While at CVS shooting, we were stopped several times and one in particular by an older gentleman who thought I was a celebrity. He was trying to figure out who I was and if he should ask for my autograph. Although I am a humble person, it did feel pretty kick butt to have that happen! Please look forward to some pics in this outfit in one of Baltimore’s coolest locations…. you will just have to return to see where that is! Happy Valentines Day Everyone and 
a special kiss goes out to Lou Lou my Boo Boo.. I love you baby!!!1

probably my fave pic of the whole day…. its my dont mess with me Sig look
my “admirer” and I

its like God thought these worth perfect for me!
Outfit details to come in post number 2!!!!!

Jenni Jehanne
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