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Cut Up T-Shirts

DIY T shirt

I come from a long line of seamstresses and dress makers. It’s in my lineage. But somehow my only form of making clothes is by using scissors. I can distress. I can cut up. I can put holes and slashes. But I just cannot sew. I have tried and I have the wounds to prove it.

I am a denim cutoff making guru. I can turn any shirt into a crop top or sleeveless masterpiece but that is about it.

Lately I have been drawn to pretty basic outfits in neutrals. When I threw this black skirt on with my most comfy of white tops it felt so blah to me. I went through my mental arsenal of what I could to make it better and I remembered seeing my favorite blogger Karla Deras snip a shirt in a cool way. So that is what I did. Although I did not take it as far as she did, I really like how it added a little depth to a pretty boring outfit.

accessories in the summer

I buy pretty much ALL my sunglasses and accessories from eBay now. This belly chain I purchased for a whopping .99 plus free shipping and it was the perfect accent to my also eBay purchased black mermaid skirt. Oh and you guessed it, my sunglasses are from eBay as well. I really should have titled this the an eBay outfit because at least 85% of the items were gotten from that e-tailer.

statement sunglasses long maxi black skirt

Speaking of eBay…. I received a comment once that I should find similar items and link back to higher priced stores. This really upset me because I do my best to be as honest and as authentic as possible on Comme Coco. What you see if pretty much what you get when it comes to my personality and my clothes. I do not have the want or need to perpetrate to be more than I am. I have noticed a significant shift in the blogging world and I am not a huge fan of it. This blog is my outlet and passion. I blog because I love it. My nose would grow the length of the Nile River if I said I didn’t want to make money from it but I am 100% thruthful in the fact that I do not need to make money from it in order to be happy. I am really saddened by the shift of everything being monetized. I would never, ever tell anyone not to make a profit but all I urge is that we do not make that the sole reason to have a blog. The money will come, I promise. Like someone very high up in the blog world recently told me….. this is not a sprint. Blogging is a journey and frankly I do not know where I would be mentally if it were not for this little space on the innanets! I pray and hope that my fellow bloggers do not turn into money hungry Stepford wives to the blogging world and instead still enjoy what blogging is all about- self expression and creativity!


And I am out…………………

retro mirrored sunglasses




  1. August 21, 2015 / 6:29 pm

    Cute and simple cutting up the shirt gave the look an edge, I love those green shades too!!

    For me blogging is still a hobby and probably will always be, I don’t post enough, have the equipment/resources or have the time to dedicate to making it something to make money off of, lolol. More power to those that do it to make money, but like you said I hope people aren’t willing to become Stepford Wives to just make money, I think you can lose touch with your followers when that happens.


  2. August 24, 2015 / 9:57 pm

    Yaaaaaaaas! Still in love with this look. So simple but so chic! <3 and shout out to the photographer lol hehe.. *Runs to ebay to buy an insane amount of sunglasses*

    P.S. – I agree w/ the monetizing! If you build it…it will come. Focus on your content. Your impact.

  3. September 25, 2015 / 8:59 pm

    Bam! Oh yes, you’re working that t-shirt! Comfortable and classy – my motto! I stumbled across your blog and I’m so glad.

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