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Design Essentials Curls and Conversations

Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset

This was by far one of the most productive weekends I have had in a really long time and I look forward to way more successful ones. Although I did not get to catch up on much, if any sleep, there is hardly anything about it I would change. From a super quick jaunt to New York, to hanging with my family, sushi date with Elle, back to school clothes shopping with my fave lil man, scratching something off of my bucket list and of course speaking on the Curls and Conversation Panel at the Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show, I feel like Super Woman.

flowy skirts- Comme Coco

all pics taken with Iphone 5s

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with s1 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with s4 presetThe weather on Saturday was abominable with the rain and cloudy skies but in my quest to find positives in ANYTHING, I decided to dance in the rain with my super flowy Chic Wish skirt!

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset


Speaking on the Panel Video

Jacket: Forever 21 option 1, option 2 | Crop Top: Asos | Skirt: Chic Wish | Hair: Johann’s Virgin Hair



  1. August 26, 2014 / 1:30 am

    You look great. So happy you had to participate in the panel!

    • Jen
      August 26, 2014 / 3:20 pm

      Thank you!

      I am so sorry I never emailed! I have been just struggling but Im back and please email me πŸ™‚

    • Jen
      September 10, 2014 / 3:27 pm

      welcome back πŸ™‚
      and THANK YOU

    • Jen
      September 10, 2014 / 3:27 pm

      thank you!

  2. September 23, 2014 / 8:48 am

    I love your dress style

  3. September 23, 2014 / 8:49 am

    nice dress

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