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Don’t Call Me Ma’am

beauty blogger bare skin- comme cocoMy birthday is in a month and I am inching closer and closer to my mid thirties. I sincerely do not feel a day over 18 (and well act like it) but I am starting to see rapid changes in my skin. I have always been blessed to be blemish free no matter what I ate, what products I used and if I took off my makeup or not but my thirties have introduced a few new skin dilemmas. My skin has never been an issue for me except for some dryness and my hereditary dark under-eye circles… but really in the grand scheme of things, I pretty much have an easy time with my face.

I am still very lucky to be blemish free and not have to deal with any heavy pigmentation problems but with the dryness that I earlier explained comes wrinkles. I have laugh lines and crinkles around my eyes and I am not a fan of them! I was absolutely sure I would never, ever in a million years be the type of woman that freaks out over a few wrinkles and I still don’t freak out per se, but they are a teeny nagging thing for me. I am pretty sure that my lack of hydrating properly, using moisturizer, and well staying out of the sun plays a huge role in acquiring these little buggers. I made a promise to myself that in 2015 I was going to be much better with my skin care and beauty routine.

I am often emailed by PR companies asking me to review their clients’ products or to send me samples and I most often than not refuse because I am very picky as to who I work with. This is probably why you do not see many reviews or sponsored posts on my blog. I am 100% about maintaining the integrity of Comme Coco and not every product fits that.

But then came…… the skin care line Don’t Call Me Ma’am! I not only fell in love with the quirkiness of the name but I loved the cute sayings that surrounded the packaging. Because I am such a silly and wacky person, I knew I was going to love it just based on the name! I mean how cute!!!!!dcmm1

I have been using the Wash It Away cleanser, In Balance toner and Face Love moisturizer religiously, (well as religiously as this no beauty regimen having gal can) and I no joke, LOVE IT! Most products tend to dry out my face but I have not encountered that with these. Of the three, the toner is my favorite because it offers a calming tingle and also because I just like spraying it on. There is something cool about it to me as I don’t really like touching my face with my hands too much. What is even more awesome is that the packaging wont harm the environment. Its like these ladies thought of EVERYTHING when launching their line.

But I digress…..

The moisturizer is not heavy and does not have a strong fragrance and I tend to put it on at night to avoid waking up to “desert face”. It gives me that coveted dewy look and well I will do anything non surgical to attain any bit of youth left! I have found myself using the moisturizer midday as well because this winter season is drying me out far more than usual. I have nothing but amazing things to say about it.

The company itself just launched and has 11 products in its arsenal. I am dying to try Splash which is their hydrating serum. I truly believe it will kick my dry skin’s ass right into submission!

dont call me maamI strongly suggest anyone looking for a new beauty line to consider Don’t Call Me Ma’am! I put my blog’s name on it that you will be pleased!

And to be honest, I love it so much that I will be adding them to my blog anniversary week of giveaways that will be happening in just a few weeks.

So ladies….. how do you feel when someone calls you “Ma’am”? 

Founders Ilene Ruvinsky and Kathleen Spitzer created Don’t Call Me Ma’am after constantly seeing beauty products tout flashy ingredients with overblown promises that made them feel like they needed to fix something about themselves. The products they have developed instead celebrate what is smart, sexy, surprising and thriving in the beating heart of today’s woman. They believe that women are living their lives to the fullest, and need high quality skin care products to ensure healthy skin that they don’t have to worry about. Ma’am is a label, a remnant of a by-gone era that deserves to be tossed into the dust bin of history!

Age is nothing but a number–

it does not determine how I feel, how I live or how I love.

Am I 30 or 60? 50 or 40? 99 or 19?

Guess if you’d like. The only clue I’m going to give you is this:


I won’t tell you my age… but I will tell you my secret:

I am as young as I believe myself to be.


This is Beauty, with a capital B. This is Wisdom. This is Experience.

This is Striking, Surprising and Sexy. This is Getting Ready To Rumble.

So don’t call me ma’am,



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