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Elvie Wearable Pump review

black girl with afro wearing a crop top and elvie pump peaking from top

Hey yall- I am pretty excited to chat about the Elvie wearable pump and I hope my review aids other mamas who are purchasing breast pumps to feed their baby.

My breastfeeding story

Before Teagan came I was so gungho about breastfeeding. I had it in my mind that I would exclusively breastfeed my baby and that was that. Well, my body had other plans for me. Like many in my family, breastfeeding just is not in our genetic makeup I guess. No matter how many times Teagan latched, she just was still very hungry. She lost nearly 13% of her birth weight at the hospital so we made the choice to introduce formula pretty early.

Personally, I love breastfeeding. I get the most emotional while feeding her from my breast and I find it to be pure magic. Even when it hurts I love it. It is the feeling of providing and nourishing your baby and the bond is like no other. I love it. My body just seems to not.

breastfeeding photo

Once we got home, Teagan would be on the breast every chance we got. But it was the same story. She was still hungry. So we gave her more formula and I just pumped. At the time I was using the pump that my insurance provided and it was ok. Actually, I lie. It hurt so much. My nipples were raw and sore and constantly rubbing along the sides. I bought different flange sizes and no comfort.

One day I was doing research and saw the Elvie wearable pump and was intrigued. I sent an email to them and lo and behold they WANTED to work with me. I was beyond geeked!

What is the Elvie Wearable Pump?

The Elvie pump is a silent and wearable breast pump that allows you to be mobile and not tied down to a machine several times a day. One of the things I hated about my pump was being stuck to it for upwards of 25 minutes 7-8 times a day. Even buying the hands-free bra did not seem to work. I have never liked being tied down and this pump has been a lifesaver.

elvie weareable breast pump on a wood table

How does the Elvie Wearable Pump work?

The Elvie wearable pump is pretty easy to use. It comes with two hubs (if you get the double version) that you can insert right into your top or bra or even bathing suit.

The hubs are boob shaped and there is an area where you just stick your nipple in just like regular flanges. They even have lines on the flanges to guide you as to where to place your nipple. Once your nipple is in, you turn it on and boom it starts to work.

The Elvie pump can be powered on via the hubs or the app. Yes, an app! The app keeps track of how much milk has been expressed, the session duration and allows you to control suction strength.

The Elvie prides itself on being silent and well, it is. You can barely hear this thing so it makes it easy to wear it while out and about. I joked once that I could pump at a movie theater and actually planned on doing that but then Rona came full force.

This pump also mimics the suction of a baby. It felt just like when Teagan latches on and even tickled a bit.

Why I love the Elvie Wearable Pump?

I am pretty obsessed with this Elvie wearable pump. I like anything sleek and of course anything with an app. But the fact that I can multi-task is my favorite thing about this pump. I have eaten lunch while pumping. I have washed bottles. I have watched a movie while pumping and never felt as if I was tied down.

black girl putting on makeup in mirror wearing an elvie wearable breast pump

Did I mention how much I hate being stuck?

I also love how it suckles. It is not aggressive like the Ameda pump I also have and really does feel like Teagan. I am an under-supplier and need a stronger suction and the Elvie provides that for me at the highest level.

But with everything there are a few cons and I’m here to offer a very honest review.

The Cons of Elvie Wearable Pump

Let me preface that the pros far outweigh the cons of the Elvie pump but I would not be writing in Jen fashion if I did not speak on both sides in this review.

The Elvie pump does shift alot inside my bra. I have found I need a bigger bra with a tighter fit so that it doesnt move around alot. I do find myself adjusting it every 10 minutes or so.

The other challenge I find is that the battery does not last very long. I have to stick this on the charger every single day no matter my usage. I also find that if its below 70% power or charge, it does not suction as well. But like I said the pros far outweigh the cons.

Do I recommend it?

In the words of Mr. Big….. abso-!*@ lutely!

p.s. I took all these photos of myself by myself. I also was really pumping while snapping these. I am currently trying to relactate so I am pumping even though I am not getting any milk output minus a drop here and there.

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