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Talk to Me



Lately I have been annoyingly drawn to all things pink. I have always been fond of the dainty color but this is starting to get obnoxious. I have been diligently working on two big projects, one of which is me, mindset and I and another that I will unveil in about 3-4 months. In the meantime the blog has taken a bit of a backseat. While perusing Pinterest as I have been regularly doing for interior decor ideas, I came across this image and just stopped. Yes its only a hot pink rectangle with gold typography but to me it meant far more.

Without going into too much personal stuff (sigh, yes I am trying to refrain), I was diagnosed with a mix of personality disorders and one still under review. In one of my classes we spend a lot of time discussing “radical acceptance” which means that you totally and completely accept something for what it is and do not try to change it to your own liking. It does not mean that you just take whatever you are given and are ok with it but understanding that you will never, ever win against that moment in time or reality and for that you should not fight it. When you stop waging a war against what is reality for that moment, you tend to suffer a lot less. And I am all for less suffering!

This quote brought me to this psychological ideology because I have had nearly an impossible time enjoying anything in 2014. My body could be somewhere but my mind and heart are always in the past and what I wish could be. I figured this pretty pink is a great kick in the butt to stop and smell the roses aka ENJOY TODAY! So that is what I will put some effort into doing….

Have a great weekend!

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