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Gold Medals and the Blue Daisy Dukes


how to style blue shorts


Hey all-
Its finally not the Devil’s Playground outside and Im enjoying the slight coolness in the air. I finally got to whip out my silk Liz Claiborne shirt I found while thrifting in Virginia and paired it with my high waisted sailor inspired short shorts! I know that my mom will probably have a bad comment about the length and cut of these shorts and I do love you manman and followed your advice with something loose on top so BE NICE, hahaahh! I recently was on Wardrobe Oxygen’s site and saw she is having a giveaway for a Not Photoshopped T-Shirt and I am DYING to win it. I see SOOOOO much photoshopping in blogs these days and it makes me SO incredibly sad. I live and die by the motto of “To Each His/Her Own” but I believe the purpose of a personal style blog is to showcase our uniqueness and individuality and to get away from all the alterations and enhancements in main stream fashion media. I want young impressionable women to see women who look like them making it in fashion so that they too feel they can do it! I am all about editing for colors and sharpness but to change your face or airbrush your bad skin just seems a tad dishonest to me. Be you and Be proud of that. With all that said, these are my thighs and all their cellulite glory lol. I refuse to airbrush and/or smooth them out so please enjoy the dimples and bumps that come with being a real woman with real curves. Yes I do need to work out more but hey at this point in the game this is what I look like and I dont mind it all that much!!!! Be confident in how you are made because we are all unique and I pray none of us want to be cookie cutter images of what’s currently categorized as “beautiful”!
For this post, I decided to wear super duper minimal makeup. I never ever ever ever EVER wear foundation and am a concealer ONLY girl. For this shoot, I used brown eyeliner on my lower lids only, Maybelline Mega Plush Volum Express Mascara on top and bottom lashes, and some clear lip gloss. I applied my concealer around 8am but didnt shoot till 7pm so I prob should have reapplied but ehhhhhh
 I am not really a makeup guru nor do I really like it all that much
but I will never go without my concealer because these hereditary dark undereye circles of mine make me look tired even when well rested and sleepy never looks cute!!!




how to style blue shorts










blue shorts



Top: Liz Claiborne, Option 1
Shorts: From store in PG Plaza Mall, Top Shop Option
Necklace: Forever 21 (from 2008) Option 1
Shoes: Aldo
Bracelet: c/o Jewel Mint
Watch: Timex
Jenni Jehanne


  1. July 10, 2012 / 4:48 pm

    Your shorts are really cute. I love anything high-waisted. I agree with you. We should all try to be as we are and not be a copy of someone else. Enjoy your body because that’s what makes you who you are. Lovely post!!!

  2. July 10, 2012 / 6:57 pm

    Aww thanks so much lovely! And one of the many reasons I adore you is because you embrace who you are, and who you are is fabulous!

  3. July 10, 2012 / 7:04 pm

    awwwww Allie.. thank you! I actually teared up reading this comment. I appreciate it. I try andits not always easy because we all have those days where we nit pick ourselves but at the end we should jhust embrace and be happy!

  4. July 10, 2012 / 7:05 pm

    thank you Audrey! I appreciate you visiting the blog and leaving such a nice comment. I like high waisted as well because it makes me more proportioned. I have short legs and a long torso so this fixes my problem lol

  5. Shella
    July 10, 2012 / 7:41 pm

    LUV LUV LUV!!! I actual smiled the ENTIRE time I was on this post. YOu rock and have inspires me to break out the shorts & celluite!  Bravo cherie:-)


  6. July 10, 2012 / 8:55 pm

    I love this post and you look great!!! I like the pairing of loose with fitted, in fact, that’s a personal rule of mine. It’s something about opposites attracting;-). Also, my expectation is similar…I think of style blogs as a representation for how “real girls” do it.

    It Girl Allure

  7. July 10, 2012 / 9:00 pm

    agreed Sheila! I try to balance it out but I dont always do it! mY MOM was just fussing at me about it lol. Thank you for visitng and commenting!!!!!!!

  8. Style4Curves
    July 10, 2012 / 9:52 pm

    U look amazing!!!!!!!!!!! I agree I saw a blogger that I thought had great skin until I saw a non photoshopped candid and I was like O_O….I really didn’t think there was much photoshop in blogger world (maybe because I’m a newbie) but I DEF see it now smdh………..I love makeup but I only wear it on weekend and when going out……during the week I love to let my skin breath. 

  9. Cindy Aparbal
    July 10, 2012 / 10:22 pm

    Love your blog! 
    I’m always visiting your site for new ideas and inspiration for my own
    check it out  Happy Blogging!

  10. Monroe Steele
    July 10, 2012 / 10:28 pm

    girl ya stunning u dont need no makeup lol. great post and thighs….love em!

    xxMonroe Steele
    Fashion Steele NYC

  11. July 10, 2012 / 10:45 pm

    Lol. Thank you! It’s a whole lotta thighs hahahahah.

    Jennifer Jean-Pierre
    Editor In Chief: Comme Coco
    Managing Editor: Facon Magazine
    Director of Outreach: CapFABB (Capital Area Fashion and Beauty Bloggers) Facebook: Comme Coco

  12. Najadiamond
    July 11, 2012 / 1:31 am

    Looking great girlie!! You rocked the hell outta those shorts!

  13. Rocquelle P.
    July 11, 2012 / 3:48 am

    Pure HOTNESS my dear!!  I’m loving this monochromatic look!

  14. Kareemtiheed Williams
    July 11, 2012 / 5:47 am

    great legs and thighs what sports do/did you play?

  15. Jacotte28
    July 11, 2012 / 9:14 am

    It s not that that bad, Jen  Just hope you didn t walk on the street with a short short… … like that.  Looks very nice.  I like the matching colors and the accessories.  Bonne journee.  Love you very much.  Your maman 

  16. July 11, 2012 / 12:14 pm

    Thank you Manman. I know that took a lot out of you to say πŸ™‚ the shorts aren’t that short actually when you have flats on but with heels they look little hahaha. I love you.
    Jennifer Jean-Pierre

  17. July 11, 2012 / 12:15 pm

    Thank you Kareem. From 3rd grade to 10th grade I played basketball. In high school I played tennis volleyball basketball. Now I play football and recreational volleyball. But I was just born with legs like this. As I get older they get a little less muscular and a lot softer lol

  18. July 11, 2012 / 12:23 pm

    Thank you Rocquelle! It was very comfy lol


  19. Sarah
    July 11, 2012 / 12:24 pm

    Hey Jenni, This is a really cool site. May I ask what theme you used? (if you know it). I’ve got a website that I’m working on, can I ask what you think of it please?

    Really loving the entries, keep it up!Sarah.x

  20. July 11, 2012 / 12:28 pm

    Thank you Heidi!!! Now following you on bloglovin!


  21. July 11, 2012 / 12:31 pm

    Thank you Naja!!! Operation new York fashion week. Lol


  22. July 11, 2012 / 12:31 pm

    Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Yes the same thing happened to me. On the blog this girl had flawless skin and then I saw her in person and was shocked!!!! Oh well.

  23. Channin
    July 11, 2012 / 7:56 pm

    Jen, your blog never ceases to amaze me!! This outfit is GORG…as are you! Your body is banging, girl…don’t let anyone tell you otherwise…even the bf (or I’ll come & hem him up…lol)! Your curves make you YOU & your honesty makes you so “relate-able” to your readers. Real girls ROCK!! *hugs* See ya soon!

  24. July 12, 2012 / 4:45 am

    aww Channin! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
    aug 3rd… see you there πŸ™‚

  25. July 12, 2012 / 8:16 pm

    Thank you SO MUCH!!! Will def follow you πŸ™‚


  26. candycoatedcashmere
    July 13, 2012 / 6:23 am

    You continue to push me to love myself more with each blog post. Jen you are one of my role models. Thank you.

  27. July 13, 2012 / 10:36 am

    Super cute look! Loving those shorts lady!

  28. July 13, 2012 / 12:10 pm

    Girl. You always having me tear up. Seriously. I appreciate you so much. YOU are one of my role models because YOU keep me going. I can never express how much your support helps me every single day and I thank you SO much! SO much!!!!! I’m loving your pics on instagram by the way. I adore your hair. I wish I had the guts to do something different with mine!!!

  29. July 13, 2012 / 12:11 pm

    Hey hey!!!! Thank you so much. They are super comfy shorts but just a little too short for very day wear lol.

  30. July 13, 2012 / 1:13 pm

    Hi Sarah- Thank you so much for the compliment and for visiting my site! I actually just use a basic google template for mine but my logo/header was made for me by my graphic designer. She is really awesome and has done several other blogs as well for a good price. Let me know if I can help in any way! Her email is

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