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Gossip Girl Final Episode and Finale Party

Hey all-
I was sent this invite a couple of weeks ago and was BEYOND thrilled, overjoyed, and “happy happy joy joy” about the idea behind this party until I realized……. Gossip Girl is going to be over! Done! Kaput! No more! Even though the last few seasons have been very hard to digest and even the fashion has not been up to par, I cannot resist tuning in to watch Blair’s antics, Nate’s cluelessness, Dan’s awful hair, Chuck’s suaveness and of course Serena’s naivete. Like Sex and the City, I will probably CRY once the series finale rolls around but at least I can do so with other fans of the show and wearing my fave Blair getup. I am attending with the first blog reader to ever recognize me in person and I cannot wait to hang out with her! This post is dedicated to my abso-fave GG quotes! What were some of the most memorable GG moments for you???
One of my first blog posts: Fashion and TV

  • “Here’s a little tip, Jenny: the faster you rise, the harder you fall. Hope that Hello Kitty sleeping bag doubles as a parachute.”
  • “Too bad no one told him: you can’t save a damsel if she loves her distress.”
  •  “Usually my answer’s never say never. But for you I’ll make an exception.”
  • I’m not a stop along the way. I’m a destination
  • So if you want peace, always be prepared for war
  •  The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey… is mourning Dan Humphrey
  •   Damn that mother Chucker!”
  • Your highness. You’ll forgive me if I’m too busy to bow
  •  Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist
  •  You know my mom: if it’s not broke, break it
  •   When Prince Charming found Cinderella’s slipper, they didn’t accuse him of having a foot fetish.”
  •  Either switch that thing off or bring it to bed. Vibration is a terrible thing to waste
  •   People don’t write sonnets about being compatible. Or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation. The great loves are the crazy ones.
  • You can’t make people love you, but you can make people fear you
  •  We don’t do prom queen; that’s for suburban high schools and the lame teen comedies that are set at them
  •   If you cut revenge out of the Bible, there’s not even enough pages to make a pamphlet.
  •  Blair: You and I bonded over a mutual love of scheming. And burlesque. Find something that you and Reyna both share. Let your guard down. Show her a side of you that no one else sees. I hear girls love that.
    Chuck: Open up and she’ll be forced to follow suit.
    Blair: And once you hook her, reel her in, gut her emotionally and throw the carcass overboard.
    Chuck: You really do have a gift.


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