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Guide to Style: Black, White and Stripes

Black and White. Oh the simplicity but Oh the beautiful drama that comes with it. Because of our schedules, I have not been able to shoot with Sig but that shall change soon enough. I do miss our shoots and his sarcastic nature lol. In the meantime, I am back to my lunchtime photo shoots with my trusty co-work Mr. Avery Kinney. Honestly these are the absolute highlight of my day because I laugh and have a great time. Avery and I just get each other when it comes to our photography sessions. He just snaps away and I just walk around being natural. No planning. No posing. No serious photography work. Its just him snap snap snap snapping away without focusing lol. I think its important for me to have both on the blog. My professional amazing pics with Sig and my everyday, fun real life Avery pics.  I bought this skirt while in San Francisco and its quickly becoming one of my favorite pieces. I love the skater fit and the ability to wear it more high waisted or lower on the hips (as I did during the work day). Inside the building, I wear it lower on my hips so its an appropriate length and then for pics, I hike that bad boy up to show a little more leg. Speaking of leg… lordy, I didn’t realize how thick my legs really are till this post. 
I am definitely built Ford Tough solid huh?
 I apologize for the brevity in this post but honestly I have a heavy heart and just not in the best place emotionally. Blame it on female hormones or just life in general but I honestly feel so helpless in some situations in my life and its hard for me. I don’t like sitting around not being able to solve problems. I like to be active and assist rather than just know something is wrong and not able to fix it. It weighs on me like a boulder.
A boulder that no person should have to carry. But as the saying goes “God never gives you more than you can handle” so clearly he thinks highly of me and my ability to persevere (lol).

standing on a ledge about 3 ft off the ground in heels is no easy feat
I love Snoopy.

Yes, my heel did get stuck and I was falling….
Shirt: Vintage
Skirt: H&M
Boots: H&M
Bow Tie (worn loosened): The Finishing Touch Ties
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