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How My Blog Continues to Save My Life

jen jean-pierre style blogger wearing african suit from tribal by n wide brim hat

This may be a deep post. Just forewarning you all reading. Ever since I brought Teagan home, I have been creating. Not from a place of necessity but because I am driven and full of ideas. Because although I am exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally, I have a passion for it. Teagan and motherhood has ignited a fire inside of me and I will not extinguish it.

On Instagram, I am lauded left and right for juggling motherhood, my 9-5, the blog, my social media consulting job, family, and friends. But is juggling really something to be cheered and celebrated?

While I am very proud of myself for taking huge bites out of my never-ending task list, it is also NEVER ending. When one task is checked off, two more replace it. It is just life.

jen jean-pierre style blogger wearing african suit from tribal by n wide brim hat

But back to the comments and advice– I am often reminded to take it easy and to take a break from the blog. The blog is always the first that everyone wants to scratch off my list. And frankly, it is getting on my nerves. From the outside looking in, this blog may seem frivolous but this blog and what I have built from this blog is the core of me.

Yes, the core of me.

Allow me to explain.

This blog offers me direction. This blog shows me time and time again that although I didn’t pursue a fashion major and went the more “sensible” route that I am still doing what I love. This blog is my one place where I don’t have to code-switch or watch what or how I say (write) things.

There is no judgement here. Even if comments were of the judging nature, I can easily delete and keep it moving. I will say I’m blessed to not have received anything bad though in nearly a decade. But if I did, I would let them be because this blog is a place where authenticity reigns.

When I started the blog in 2008, I was living in Florida with no purpose and no direction. I was in a relationship that I did not want to be in but I didn’t have the confidence to walk away. And then in 2014, I found myself in yet ANOTHER relationship I didn’t want to be in. I was working a job that was a job but not a career. It paid the bills and that was it. People-pleasing was the ultimate and I never went after what I wanted. I was terrified of being terrified lol.

And one day I decided to do something for me. After months reading Karla’s Closet (my fave at the time) I decided let me start taking photos of my outfits and talking about my day. So I did. And it was pure trash.

Then a year later I upped and moved to DC. About 1.5 years after that I bought my first DSLR camera and started actually putting outfits together and posting. But my confidence was still low. I didn’t tell anyone I had this blog. I would shoot when my roommate was asleep. Then one day I decided to put myself in for Fashion Bomb of the Day and I got it.

Outfit Details

Suit: Tribal by N

Hat: Target

Lipstick: The LipBar Bawse Lady

All the way obsessed with the items from Tribal by N. I am wearing this suit in a size L and it fits pretty well. The jacket is JUST right and if I gain anything I may not be able to button it but the pants are perfect. In order to wear it like the model, I probably should get an XL in the jacket. The pants are super long and wide leg. I am wearing them with 5 inch platform booties.

Then more people came to the blog.

Then I got a little confidence and started a meetup group for other bloggers like me. I hosted three meetups and I was excited to meet my “people”.

Through my meet up group I learned of a larger one named CapFABB and met some of my very best friends to this day through it. Blogging also introduced me to one of my closest friends in NYC and in many ways she saved my life. So yeah this blog is important to me.

Fast forward a few years and this blog was my journal during a terrible but oh so beneficial time of self-discovery. I spoke on everything. My mental health to my fashion to my finances to my family to grief to EVERYTHING!

This blog continues to save my life because it is my outlet. My escape. I can be creative or I can be boring but it is all mine and I can do as I please. This blog continues to save my life because it is my gift to the world- even if tiny.

Now that I have Teagan, this blog will be a way for her to get to know her mama. I hope she can read this one day and understand who her mom is and how she got to where she is now. This is my journey and my evolution and I am so proud of it. The ups and downs, the triumphs and the mistakes, the wins and the really bad choices– it is all me and it is captured here for her to read one day.

This blog continues to save my life and this blog has actually saved others. I’m thankful for all the letters I have received of how me sharing my truths has helped others find light in darkness.

So no matter how busy I get, I will make time for this blog because this blog is an extension of my heart.

Thank you for reading and thank you for always supporting me and this blog 🙂

In the comments below let me know how long you have been reading and what keeps you coming. I appreciate you in advance.



  1. Carin
    September 26, 2020 / 9:28 am

    Love this and I love reading your blog posts! I started reading your blogs when you were commeco (I hope I got the spelling right). I love that your blog will be something Teagan can read time and time again❤️. Thanks for always sharing

    • jennjeanpierre
      September 26, 2020 / 9:55 am

      Thank you so much Carin. You have been a support since you found me and I’m really grateful and thankful for you.

  2. Debbie
    September 26, 2020 / 3:56 pm

    Hey Momma! It’s brbuddy1219 and I have been following you from the start of you blog and I still enjoy it! Keep doing what you love!

  3. September 27, 2020 / 3:00 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog since I was on the blogger scene in DC and you were commecoco. Thank you for always being so transparent. and I absolutely LOVE this suit!

  4. September 28, 2020 / 9:19 am

    Kudos to your achievements. There are often times when I feel overwhelmed with day to day life, preventing me from blogging regularly. This is an inspiration. The outfit is EVERYTHING too!

  5. Karen
    September 30, 2020 / 1:23 am

    I’ve been reading And following forever like 1st relationship, co workers take photos on break, forever Haha! i am so happy for you and the evolution of comme coco to Jen Jean..mommy and wife.

  6. Patricia Potter
    October 3, 2020 / 3:11 pm

    Hi, Jenni!
    Just wanted to stop by and let you know how very proud of you I am! Not that I had anything to do with the beautiful, strong, driven, accomplished, and life loving woman you have become….but I had the sweet joy of watching you grow into that incredible woman. Looking back, I am not at all surprised at the many successes you have achieved! One of my favorite memories is just of having the often times watching you meet the challenges of each day with such determination and resolution. Your white blouses were always like fresh fallen snow…crisp, pure, and never a wrinkle to be seen! The pleats on your uniform were carefully pressed and the seemed freshly formed….and knowing your mom…they probably were! Don’t ever, for any reason, think you are less than you are: wife, mother, blogger, writer,
    designer and fashionista extraordinary! I think it is safe to say I am a proud and grateful fan!

    • jennjeanpierre
      October 3, 2020 / 3:53 pm

      Oh Ms Potter! This is the sweetest most wonderful thinf I have ever was about me. Thank you so much! HAHHAHA yes Manman and Vivie had us starched to the gods hahahah. I miss you so much. I need to make a special trip to Michigan to see you!

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