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How to Hide Back Fat


Now that I have your attention with this hiding back fat title, let’s talk about the fact that I am not going to hide my back fat because I am unapologetic about being myself and as a blogger and woman of this world, you should as well!

edit 1

This fashion industry can take its toll on you. Even as “just a blogger”. I noticed it within myself when I put this jumpsuit on the other day and shot these pictures. I was really self conscious about the fact that I had side rolls and the outfit was a bit snugger than I remembered it being. I was so self conscious that I tried to pose in ways that would hide my back fat. I posed in ways that would lean me out. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, what scared me the most was that I said outloud, “well I will have to photoshop that out”. WTF?!?!?? Who am I and who do I think I am for that?

for IG

Being a style blogger is like being a model at times. We are out here featuring ourselves in outfits and having photoshoots to best show the outfit and we want to look perfect. Hell I would love to be perfect as far as my body is concerned. My idea of perfect would be 15% body fat, 6 pack, wide hips, thick thighs, and super toned arms. But well I have one out of 5 and I am going to be happy about it. I do not do enough to change my body or make it healthier so I have to stop complaining. I do however want to urge everyone to make a healthy lifestyle, and your overall wellbeing, outside of looking good in clothes, a priority. I know I need to up my cardio and put down the sweets!


While I was sitting here today editing these I made the conscious decision just like my DC Rooftop Bathing Suit post to not touch any of my imperfections. Because I am a warrior woman. An average warrior woman but a warrior nonetheless. My cellulite shows that I am enjoying life and that at times a great meal puts a beautiful smile on my face. So yes, I could have easily zapped away these rolls but I made a promise to myself and every other curvy woman out there that I would be unapologetic at any weight and that is precisely what I will continue to do!

white nails

baltimore's top blogger hipster baltimore bmore gal edit 3 IGdifferent


Now someone get me some strawberry jam for my delicious rolls please!!!!


Jumpsuit: MadRag (route 40 in Baltimore) or similar | Wide Brim Hat | Necklace: eBay | Shoes: ShoeDazzle similar | Sunglasses: Vintage ( similar)

shop all my favorite jumpsuits 




  1. September 1, 2015 / 10:52 pm

    Not strawberry jam for my delicious rolls….LOL!!!!!! I love you for being apologetically you. <3 The world needs more of this…blogger world included. xo

    • Tee
      September 2, 2015 / 2:37 pm

      ‘Unapologetically’ surely. 🙂

  2. September 4, 2015 / 12:12 am

    Somehow I came across your blog today and have to say I’m glad I found it. I love your confidence and style. You are fierce!

  3. September 4, 2015 / 1:52 pm

    yes maam I love it! and you look great!

  4. September 8, 2015 / 8:21 pm

    Love it. All. The outfit. The post. Well said and I can appreciate your candor and coming out in the end with acceptance. Sharing this!

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