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How to support your friend’s business

black girl kneeling in front of a brown backdrop wearing a tie-dye muscle tee

Entrepreneurship is at an all-time high and many loved ones are probably starting their own business or selling something. It is not always easy to figure out how to support your friend’s business so I figure I would write this quick post to offer some tips.

Let me start with this– I am the person who LOVES to see their friends winning and excelling. It brings me joy that I cannot describe. I am also the person who can be a hater when I see someone “winning” that really doesn’t deserve it. By deserve it, I mean, they are rude to others or are selling snake oil or just plain fake.

But we are in 2020 and we are not allowing that type of energy into our circle so we don’t need to speak any more on that right?

mother and baby daughter sitting on floor playing both wearing tie-dye shirts from amber richele supporting friend's businesses

Recently, like yesterday, I received a text message with a screenshot from a good friend, Amber and this screenshot showed how my site– this blog, was a top referrer to her business site. It nearly brought tears to my eyes because I find such pleasure in helping others and I was SO geeked that yall are actually listening to me. While it is a great quality of mine, it also is a downfall because I give and give and forget about myself ALOT. My thinking, although flawed, is that whatever I was planning to give to myself, I could give to someone else. But this is not about me. Let’s figure out how to support your friend’s business instead.

How to Support Your Friend’s Business: Pay Full Price

Yes. Pay the actual price and stop asking for a discount. If they offer a discount, that is fine but do not look for one and instead support and respect them by paying what they are charging. Treat and see them as the business owner they are rather than your friend who has a business.

How to Support Your Friend’s Business: Tell others about them

Word of mouth advertising is STILL king. This is why Influencers do so well because it really is word of mouth. We tend to believe others rather than believing the company’s ads. Plus when you know someone has used something and enjoyed it, you are less fearful of wasting your money. So preach and shout out your friend’s business to help and support them. Bonus: if you have a strong social media presence, wear the items, feature them in your content or tag them in other people’s posts who are asking for recommendations. I recently wore my friend Vana Vain’s t-shirt from a few years back and she told me that sales have been through the roof since. The photo has also been reposted over 15 times on Instagram.

How to Support Your Friend’s Business: Offer your services

Sometimes it may not be in your budget to support with money but you can offer to help in other ways. If they are showing at an event, offer to help with set up or take down. Or you can help buy packing up goods to deliver. There are many ways to support without buying but it helps with their efficiency or even help them not feel overextended.

This post is one way I am supporting my friend, Amber’s business. I am so overjoyed she went after her passion and just proud of her for not just talking the talk but walking that walk. Her tie-dye line is flourishing and she deserves all of this glory. I do my best to support her when I can in many ways. Taking these photos is one of the ways. Plus Teags is way too cute in her tie-dye onesie!

Although Shop Amber Richele is on my Buy Black section of the blog, it was important for me to create a stand-alone post as well. So please do support a fellow, amazing Black woman-owned business. Once you do get something, feel free to tag me so I can see you rocking your gear too!

How to Support right now

in the comments below— tag some of your friend’s businesses so I can take a look or email me with links!

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