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I Really Love My……..

One of my favorite magazines to browse through for sartorial inspiration is People Style Watch. I love how they fill their pages with tons of products, pictures and clothes while not seeming like a chaotic cluster fudge of a publication. I have been a loyal subscriber for years and they were one of my very first twitter follows when I joined that social media channel. With that said, I really enjoy the “I Really Love My…” section that they do showcasing fashion and celeb stars wearing pieces they really love. How do you know they really love them? Because the magazine takes pics of them at various events, locales and times in their life to see what they are rocking on a consistent basis. I recycle alot of my clothing and try to rework them as much as possible… I’m ballin on a budget and well, I really like some of the things that I own. With that said here are 2 excerpts from this new fun series on the blog. Here is your chance to chime in…. what is something that you currently own that you “really love” and how often do you rock it???

Mirrored Sunglasses: Walgreens on 22nd and M St NW
Pink Pants: Zara, Georgetown
Jenni Jehanne
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