What is it with women commenting on other women’s bodies and what they choose to wear? I believe we spend so much time having to fend off men and their opinions that we should not have to do the same from our fellow women.
This blog post was prompted by a recent situation that I found out about. I posted a photo of another blogger and was helping her promote something of hers. In the photo she is wearing a collared shirt that is unbuttoned a few buttons and she is not wearing a bra. She has a beautiful smile in the photo but yet so many focused on the fact that she was not wearing a bra and that they thought her boob was going to fall out of her shirt.
It was filled with judgement and I just did not understand the use of calling another woman names for her choice in clothing.
It made me think.
Why are we as a society so conditioned to think wearing a bra means class or is the appropriate thing to do? What is the problem with seeing nipples and/or saggy breasts?
I thought of this as I put on this newest outfit from Rue 107 and realized, “ohhh wee, that’s alot of cleavage”. Then I thought, I should really hide my nipples. And then stopped myself. BUT WHY?

In all transparency, I have been that woman who has thought “ohhh she needs a better bra or ohhh wee, why didn’t she wear a bra” and I am wondering what spawned this in me. Our society, especially in America is so ashamed of the female body and has sexualized it so much that we believe seeing breasts is horrific. We believe that this should not be put on display and instead hidden. I just do not get it.
So I did some research…..
It seems that most of my research via the 2019 version of Encyclopedia Brittanica aka google states:
Women’s breasts, tatas, titties, boobs are sexualized but a man’s bare chest is not because of these reasons:
- Boobs are sexually attractive to men. So instead of teaching men to calm down, women are not allowed to have them out.
- A woman’s breasts is considered a sex organ so should be censored.

Outfit details: full set from Rue 107
It’s a double standard and we are 6 months from 2020 and we need to change. Women should have the right to choose— abortions, what to do with their body and hell- if they want their nipples on display or not. The last thing I want to see or hear about are other women putting down their fellow women because of some boobs. That doesn’t mean you can’t feel as if it’s “inappropriate” but you do not have the right to put another down for it. Conservative or not— good manners is to keep your opinions to yourself unless asked.
So before I continue on, I would love to hear your thoughts on the whole debate of women having to cover up but men can be bare chested in public…
Sound off in the comments!
I’m sliding off… ish is ridiculously I literally hit my mom the other day was “what year was bras created”…. she looked puzzled and I wasjust like what did women do before bras were ever created. They never wore them correct? And men and women both survived.
I was once told my shirt was too low cut for work. Not because you could see cleavage (my full coverage bra took care of that) but because you could see a bit of the teeny bow on my bra peeking out over the v in my shirt. This came from a small breasted woman in my office! Just ridiculous.
My tiny boob mom and sister told me I should have a breast reduction.
Why are women so obsessed with breast size? Because of men. Men who can show their nipples in public without shame. Big boobed men who walk around without shirts. Men who specialize body parts that are meAnt to be life giving, not sex organs.
I don’t care anymore. Show off those boobs girls. They are beautiful!
Thank you Barbara! I really appreciate you taking the time to write me!
I agree wholeheartedly. People should not feel embarrassed about their physical attributes. Women should feel at ease to dress however they like. No one has the right to criticize especially on social media
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