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Iphone Photoshoot

Ok so……
I cant find my camera charger.
So that means no posts till I do.
I really liked my outfit so I decided to do an iphone photo shoot after hours at work to share with you all.
Gotta love technology and the camera timer app!
Sorry for the poor pics but if I dont find it by Friday, Im ordering a new one!
The weather here in DC is extremely bipolar and needs to be on deprokoate asap.
So until Mother Nature gets her ISH together, I am in cozy, comfy clothes till then.
Pretty much ALL black, flats and leggings. Yup, Im boycotting from this day on, hahaahah.

Scarf: My Mom’s previously worn HERE
Glasses: It’s Vintage Darling similar ones HERE
Jacket: Express
Shirt: Zara
Pants: Zara
Shoes: Dollhouse (8 bucks) cute pair HERE
Don’t forget to come say hi if you are attending the NOVA Fashion Week Luxe Lifestyle Event on May 4th!
Jenni Jehanne


  1. April 27, 2012 / 1:53 am

    Omg, casually cute and comfortable!! Love.

  2. Dayka Robinson
    April 29, 2012 / 3:49 am

    your hair is super cute–very june ambrose-ish! love. πŸ™‚

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