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Jany Tomba: Haitians in Fashion

IloveJANY from Fernando Teixeira on Vimeo.
I am a proud Haitian woman. I may be “mixed” with alot but at the end of the day I am a proud Haitian woman point blank period. Haiti is my home and my heart so when I find out about Haitians in Fashion I get very excited. Like I had written in previous posts and features, the media has perpetuated a certain image of what a Haitian is and its always so far from the truth. We are a beautiful people in all shades of the rainbow. We are an educated people with strong family ties. We are not suckers and we stand our ground for anything we believe in. When I saw this video on Alexandra Douby‘s (another haitian whoo hoo) tumblr, I had to watch it. Although it cuts off rather abruptly, in the 9 and half minutes that it does work, you become engulfed in Jany Tomba’s words and story. I am not sure if it is that time of the month or the fact that I am a true Pisces and super sensitive, but I teared up watching it. She has the most beautiful outlook on life, fashion, people and modeling and I just HAD to share with all of you.
Happy Saturday!
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