The chances are pretty high that you came to this blog post from Instagram so the cats out of the bag.
Yes, Jermaine and I are bringing “Jen’s plus 2” in late January 2020.
He is beyond over the moon excited about it and I am slowly getting to feelings of excitement. To be honest, pregnancy has not been the romanticized journey that most exclaim that it is and mine has been especially tough due to a condition that only affects roughly 2-3% of pregnant women. After Jen’s Plus 2 comes out, I will be a proud survivor of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. And yes, it DOES sound like a spell from Harry Potter! And yes its a sickness within pregnancy that causes some debilitating issues. But more later.

I won’t go into detail about it in this post as this is more a jubilation post but please know that besides being preggers, this mama to be is also super sick due to the pregnancy lol. But I have met a whole new tribe of women and we support ourselves through it because unless you have had HG, you cannot understand it.
This has been extremely bittersweet for me. I struggled with a fertility issue known as Diminished Ovarian Reserves so honestly having my own natural kids was something that was becoming a very distant memory for me. The day that preggo test said positive, I freaked. And not in the “omg we are having a baby, praise Jesus way” but in an “f*****ccckkkkkkkk is this really about to happen”. Not sure why that was my response but yeah that was it.
So enough about my slight antepartum depression and let’s answer some questions I am sure you all have.

Questions About Our Pregnancy with Jen’s Plus 2
how far along are you? I am in month 5 of my pregnancy. I am currently 23w pregnant.
do you know what you are having? Yes, we found out in week 12 so about 2 months ago but we aren’t telling….. yet.
did you have morning sickness? No. I had something far worse and was diagnosed with a rare condition that only affects about 2% of pregnant women but that will be its own very separate post because it is ALOT and really needs awareness raised for it.
have you gained alot of weight? I have lost. I initially lost 15lbs and have gained roughly 4lbs back.
have you felt any movements or kicks? Nope, sure have not. But Mini Maull aka Jen’s Plus 2 is a mover and shaker. Because of some complications, I have ultrasounds twice a month so we see the baby OFTEN. I am proud to say that we have one photo where baby is holding up the black power fist!

were you super excited when you found out given your fertility issues? I wish I could say that I was but I wasn’t. My feelings were more along the lines of “damnnnnn” rather than “whoo-hoo”. I am pretty content in knowing that I am not the “uber-elated, cannot wait to be a mommy until I am a mommy type”. Basically, scarymommy.org is my tribe!
have you told the kids? Yes, the kids know. The eldest was pretty “meh” about it but the youngest two were full of questions and excitement. I let Jermaine chat with his oldest about it privately and we told the youngest kids together. It was an actually hilarious conversation and Kai the youngest and only boy has deemed himself the baby’s caregiver. It’s really cute!
What’s a symptom of pregnancy you were not prepared for? Ummm, I knew most of the boob stuff but was shocked by the round ligament pain, the excessive saliva in my mouth, the shortness of breath due to organs shifting and feeling my hips spreading. That hurts alot! Oh, and of course my condition- hyperemesis, that I never knew about until I was diagnosed. Pregnancy really is the most dangerous time in a woman’s life. The things our bodies go through…. eek!
has your mom already started going nuts about it? Yeah, my mom is pretty obnoxious but in a good way about it. Clothes have been purchased and booties have already been crocheted by her. She has been a shopping fiend but I love how happy she is!
I’m happy everyone else around me is excited. I know I will get there! ** update** I am starting to get more excited about it now. My HG symptoms are diminishing a bit so now I can find more joy!
do you have a name picked out? Yes we do but also not telling anyone. Only 3 people in this world know. But our good friend Shauniece has affectionately nicknamed it “Baby Chance”. The reason behind that– even though we found out the gender 2.5 months ago, I still felt there could be a CHANCE that it was the other gender. Lol. But after the anatomy scan it was super solidified.
Thank you à million times over for everyone providing us support and encouragement through this time. Special shout outs to the hubby, of course, my mom, mother in law and sister who have been dealing with the brunt of my pain, my friends Shauniece, Elle and Amber who have been checking on me regularly, and some of my co-workers who have literally rubbed my back through some SCARY moments at work. I would be remiss I’m not thanking my IG family as well. The DMs and prayers I get from y’all are just what the doctor ordered!!!I’m grateful!

Outfit Details
swimsuit: AERIE
hair: Alisa of CosmoCrush
lashes: Judith Blanco
Congratulations!!!! I’m so excited for you! I pray that you get to feel better so that you can enjoy this time before the baby comes.
I hope so too! Typically with HG you start to feel better around 18 weeks and I did but then it came back full force. But I’m pushing through. Thank you!!!!!!
Congrats Jen, May your journey be peaceful and blessed from here on out!
Leslie / @hautemommie / http://www.thehautemommie.com
I happily receive that! Happily hahahaha. Thank you!
You look radiant! Congrats on your new bundle of joy. Many prayers and positive vibes as you continue through your pregnancy journey! You are a strong woman and thank you for sharing your true feelings because many don’t… You will be even stronger when baby comes!
Thank you Angela! I have always been pretty transparent and won’t change. I appreciate your support and kind words!
Congratulations Jen to you and your hubby! As a mommy to be that’s due in a month I understand the emotional roller coaster of being excited vs not being excited. I pray you fight through HG, my friend had it with both her children.
Oh my! Congrats love. That’s so exciting. HG is no joke. I’m one and done because of it. I cannot go through this again. Please please send my regards to your friend. I feel like we have a group now.
Oh my! Congrats guys! Glad you are feeling some relief. I too had the condition with both of my kids. I felt like I was on my death bed seriously. The list of my symptoms were similiar and so much more. I passed out with both with trips to ER for dehydration, weightloss and malnutrition. I could only eat ice. If I drank or ate anything it exited right back up very quickly. I practically lived in a bubble because I could take NO smells of any kind. People could not be close to me not even my family. Plus with the second one I was suffering a threatening miscarriage for about a month or so. So many trips to the doctor indeed. I was never diagnosed but figured out years later. In the end you get the sweetest bundle of joy though! Many blessing to the family and take it day by day… @applemacg
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. It’s beyond hard and even harder when people try to minimize it. And I’m like oh you wanna throw up 7-25 times a day and not be able to hold down water. Oh ok hahahaha. Like it’s HARD! I’ve been ok with snells thank god. It doesn’t make me throw up. But movement does and eating. Oh and SNEEZING! I sneeze and then throw up. The home IVs were life changing like I wish I could just walk around with it lol. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s good to not feel alone.
Sweetie as I posted on instagram, I too suffered from this and it is horrible! I gained 12 lbs over the entire pregnancy with not being able to eat and vomiting etc…. some days I wondered if I would make it! But I did and “y’all” will too!! But never again, I said NEVAH! 😂
Oh I am 110percent one and done. That’s it. This cannot happen again hahahah. Thank you again for sharing with me and for the well wishes.
I am soo happy for you both! Congrats! Continue to get your rest, not overdue it and enjoy these precious moments (I’m always the nurse lol)
Hahahaha please do! And I will try
Congratulations!! I had HG as well. It was (is) no joke. Sending you love & light on your journey!
Omg! You did! I’m so sorry. This is a club that I wish I was not a part of at all. How are you? And THANK YOU
Congratulations you are beautiful. Prayers for you to remain well
Thank you so much Angela! I appreciate you very much!
I’m so excited for you and Mr.