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Laughs, Friends, and Fashion

Ohhhhhh where do I even begin to describe the night I just had out with La Bella Mafia (my good friends-Gretchen, Ann, Bethany and I). We started the night out at Joe Theisman’s in Old Town Alexandria and then hopped on the metro to downtown DC to attend Shecky’s Girls Night Out at DAR Constitution Hall. We are the most eclectic group but every time and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME we get together as a group we just laugh and laugh and laugh and we cause any and everyone in our presence to laugh as well. Didn’t you hear… laughter is great for the soul! These girls mean so much to me because we are all so different but together we are as united as any friends can be. I really hope that every single one of you are as blessed as me to find friends like these.

The Shecky’s GNO event was great- from the free alcohol to the great jewelry displays to the amazing music playing, if you missed out, you MISSED OUT! I spoke with many talented jewelry designers and promised to feature some of my fave pieces below.

I was also SO happy to meet one of my faithful followers and fans at the event. I was sooooo shocked that I was recognized from this blog so I guess I must be doing something right but as always…. I thank all of you!

 As far as the outfit is concerned, I have been VERY inspired by the 70s and had to pop out my wanna- be bell-bottoms and my new silk mandarin collar top… such a comfy outfit for the night…

I hope you all had a great night!

Tomorrow is the viewing of the Bill Cunningham Documentary at E Street Cinema with my business partner….

Good night and as always ENJOY!!!!!!!

La Bella Mafia at Theismanns

Jaeger Bomb… oh lawd, pray for me

there was a pole, what else was I supposed to do… lol

Line for the make-overs at the event

Gretchen and I posing

Jacket: Arden B, Silk Shirt: thrifted from Twig Shop, Jeans: Forever 21, Shoes: Nine West

Don’t mess with my family

My fave drinks EVER… Vodka on the rocks w/ 3 limes ( Belvedere, Ketel One or Goose only)

SOOOOO honored to meet her… thank you for being such a loyal and SWEET woman!

The Funn Jewelry girls

Fave piece from their line

Nakia- owner and designer of Aikon/ Cynirje Designs

I loathe snakes with a passion but how I love them in jewelry!

Of everything I saw, this Carnelian necklace is my to die for, I need to have it fave!!!

Lamarr Funn, Catherine Mills and I…. Funn Jewelry



  1. April 1, 2011 / 1:09 am

    This looks like a cool event and that you had a lot of fun. I love those jeans too. Thats so cool you were recognized from your blog..haha..that hasn’t happened to me yet.

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  2. April 3, 2011 / 4:32 am

    Love this post. Great recap of the event. And you looked great in your outfit.

  3. April 3, 2011 / 5:14 am

    I thought I recognized you at Shecky’s!

  4. September 1, 2011 / 9:57 pm

    so cool, love your style..really cool

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