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Les Memes Trains Trains

Hey all-
Until I get my external flash for my camera, I dont think I am going to post any more indoor pic. They ll come out poorly and make the outfit look hella drab and that’ the last thing. I have issues every single morning picking out an outfit for work. I work in a business casual workplace but with the heat and the never ending war with the A/C vent right above my office, I have difficulties finding clothes to wear. I know I have been in a funk but I promise this weekend you will be WOW’d by my outfits. Its a good friend’s birthday and Centennial Weekend for the Ques! The Bruhs will be invading DC…. are we ready???

fyi: the title of the post is something my mom and I say to each other and it translates to “the same old, same old” aka “nothing special” aka “blasay kinda day”

Can anyone tell what’s different about my hair????

Cardigan: J Crew similar one HERE
Top (really a dress): Forever 21
Skirt: Express
Bangles: Forever 21
Happy Wednesday,
Jenni Jehanne


  1. July 27, 2011 / 9:01 am

    It looks like you might of trimmed it. Am I right?

  2. Anonymous
    July 27, 2011 / 2:07 pm

    no curls in your hair?

  3. July 27, 2011 / 5:13 pm

    You have a middle part instead of a side part, since we pride ourselves on being honest with each other, the side part suits you way better*hugs*

  4. July 27, 2011 / 5:16 pm

    I have that problem…it’s hot outside, but hella cold in the office. I really hate that…cute outfit once again–is that a one-piece?

  5. July 27, 2011 / 5:43 pm

    @Tiff… you are dead on! I tried, I failed, back to side part 🙂

    NO its not a one piece… its a ctually a dress under a skirt with a cardi over it

  6. July 28, 2011 / 7:00 am

    I see what you mean about the indoor shots. You look great!!! I swear every time I see your posts I feel the need to get up and workout!

  7. July 30, 2011 / 2:21 am

    awww thank you everyone….Im glad I motivate people to want to work out, now who’s gonna motivate me? lol

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