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Lost Video Files: What Makes a Blog Stand Out?

Oh Canada! Oh Canada! I am currently in the land of hockey and adding a resounding “eh?” after every sentence and I absolutely love it. I am not here on a pleasure trip or for work but unfortunately for my uncles funeral. It has not completely hit me yet but I know it will happen at the actual service. I did not have time to take any outfit pictures before my departure but I leave you with this “lost files” video that I found in my youtube archive. I tend to use my video camera as my diary and often just talk about my feelings and goals on camera. 1) because I would love to host a tv show one day 2) to practice so that if I ever get a show I am comfortable and not using an abundance of filler words like “like” “umm” etc 3) because I like to practice with video editing. This video is NOT part of the 3rd since I did NO editing minus adding a few slides and music. Oh speaking of the music.. yeah ummm way too loud at the beginning right? EEK! I think I have come a long way since February when I filmed and edited it but the message and question remains…..

What makes a blog stand out???

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