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Mom style bloggers who are killing the game

jen jean-pierre wearing the fall trend 2020 of shacket: shirt jacket mom style blogger

A few weeks ago, I saw one of my fave mom style bloggers who are killing the game rock a shirt jacket and I instantly wanted to copy it. Not be “inspired” but literally head to toe copy it.

And I kinda did just that. Want to know more about the mom style blogger who got this reaction out of me? She is number 3 on the list below.

jen jean-pierre wearing the fall trend 2020 of shacket: shirt jacket mom style bloggers
jen jean-pierre wearing the fall trend 2020 of shacket: shirt jacket mom style blogger

But seriously, being a mom is AMAZING and it is hard. Being a mom working from home with kids in the house is even harder. But in the end, mommyhood especially if you are a new mommy like me can rob you of well, YOU. So I really salute these ladies who stay killing the style game and rock mommyhood.

My biggest piece of advice when content creating and being a mommy….. bring the kids along or incorporate them into your shoots. Just don’t do hours long shoots because no kid no matter the age can handle that. Heck, I can’t and I am 456 months old. (whoosh!)

mom style bloggers fall trends shacket wide brim hat
mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket

Mom Style Blogger: Finding Paola

Fellow Haitian and stylista extraordinaire Paola can do no wrong. Her feed is a beautiful mix of mesmerizing images mixed with loving candids with her daughter. Please immerse yourself into her world.

Mom Style Blogger: Miss Enocha

Enocha is another beautiful Haitian mom and also a new mom like me. Her matching mom and daughter photos always make me smile and her ability to just keep it real always makes me stand up in ovation!

Mom Style Blogger: Jariatu

Hands down my favorite mom style blogger who is killing the game because I just love her style lol. It’s my blog so yeah, I’m slightly playing favorites. Oh and yes, this outfit is heavily copied inspired by her. Love her. Period.

Mom Style Blogger: Sai de Silva

Sai, better known as Scout The City is an OG in the mom style blogger world and one of my favorites. I have loved watching her daughter grow up and well become quite the style icon herself and now her son is following mommy’s Prada boot footsteps. Check them out, you won’t be disappointed!

Mom Style Blogger: Shay Sweeney

Shay, oh shay! I just love seeing what’s new on her feed because her whole family is fashion-forward. Everything is perfectly coordinated and picture-perfect without seeming scripted. I love it! Check more of this mom style blogger killing the game by following her here.

mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket

Outfit details

Shirt-Jacket | White Button Down | Jeans | Shoes | Hat |

mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket

Mom Style Blogger: Mikaela Pabon

I often send Mikaela videos of Teagan coming for her Print Mixing crown because I am annoying like that. But seriously- Mikaela and my hubby are the reason I even have added color to my wardrobe. One look at her gorgeous feed and you will see what I mean. OH! And her son designed his own line! Yeah!!! how cool?!?!

Mom Style Blogger: Shay (yes another one)

Shay is technically the first mommy blogger I ever saw. She was the one that made me see how dope being a mom is and how your kids can easily be a part of what you do. I LOVE the way she writes and her support is unparalleled. You know the drill. See more of here here.

Mom Style Blogger: Medge

Yes, another Haitian. I promise when I made this list, I did not realize so many of my lovely Ayitienne would be on it. But hey, we slay motherhood and style and grace and cooking and well life. HAHA. Again my blog, my delusions πŸ™‚ But seriously, I just started following Medge but I love her personality, her style, her photos, and how she adds her family into content without losing herself. Go ahead, do that thing called follow her!

mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket
mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket
mom style blogger wearing fall trends shacket shirt jacket

who are some of your favorite mom style bloggers? share the love in the comments!

also you can easily share my posts on social by using the social buttons! They are on every post on the home page.



  1. October 8, 2020 / 12:47 pm

    I absolutely love this post and I follow all these ladies but one but I’m following her now. Yes to all these mom style bloggers. I’m a mom myself and keeping up with my style keeps me sane lol

  2. October 19, 2020 / 2:04 pm

    Great list. You should have added yourself to it πŸ˜‰

    • jennjeanpierre
      February 19, 2021 / 11:45 am

      Ahhhh thank you!

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