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Mommy and Me Style: Matching Birkenstocks

black mom with black toddler wearing blue and white outfits leaving an apartment complex wearing matching white birkenstock sandals

Birkenstocks are iconic. I mean, you cannot deny that sentence. But matching birkenstocks in a mommy and me style moment is….. well…. cute. Hahah.

Did you all think I was going to say something astoundingly good? HAHAH. Nope. I’m sorry to disappoint. But I am really loving matching with the family and when we received these white birkenstocks as part of a campaign (no the blog post is not part of the campaign) I was really excited.

matching birkenstocks

To be honest, I am having fun just posting. I made a solemn vow to myself to stop making Instagram my end all be all. I own the content here on the blog and I don’t on Instagram so why oh why am I mostly posting there. Instagram should be where I promote what is happening over here or to work in conjunction to my blog posts. Because of this I am going to make an effort to showcase more of my style here before Instagram.

Some posts may be photo intense without much copy and some may be a great mix. Today it is just mommy and me style with these matching birkenstocks.

Oh and of course photos that were not posted on Instagram. Shooting with a toddler is NOT easy. This whole shoot was 4 minutes long because that is about the amount of patience Teagan and I had with each other. Then we went and got ice cream. Ice cream makes everything better.

Teagan’s Birkenstocks | My Birkenstocks


1 Comment

  1. CJP
    July 3, 2021 / 1:10 pm

    So very cute!

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