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My 3 Favorite At-Home Content Creating Tips

While most of you have been dealing with staying at home for about 5 months, I am currently going on nearly 1.5 years. Between my really hard pregnancy and now the pandemic, these 4 walls and I have become the best of friends. I won’t let it stop me from creating content (because I love it) and instead have just tried to flex my creative muscles inside the home.

To be honest, I don’t love street style as much anymore. While it was such a draw before, the last few years it has become a bore to me. The typical shots on the sidewalk somewhere modeling one outfit, unfortunately, has never done anything for me. BUT… it was the easiest way for many of us so that’s what we did.

I have been drawn to more editorial, more concept, and more elaborate visuals since I first fell in love with fashion around age 8. Yes, I have the tear-sheets from magazines to prove it. But because of laziness and a lack of confidence, I rarely tried to make it happen. I left them in my bucket list and just pulled them up whenever I wanted to see beautiful inspiration.

But that’s it– my inspiration never evolved into a verb until the pandemic hit. Long days and even longer nights with Teagan led to me downloading TikTok and watching the videos. I watched transition videos and photographers create from their homes. I learned new dances. Marketing VPs from my some of my favorite brands shared advice and resources and my little creative brain went into overload wanting to CREATE!

So I started.

Nothing fancy… but at least I was making it happen. I want yall to have the confidence to make it happen as well so here are my at-home content creating tips.

At-home content creating tip #1: Shoot any and everywhere in your house

Many have an office or a designated area for their shooting and that can limit you. I suggest shooting any and everywhere. Shoot in the kitchen. Use your bathtub. Stick your phone or camera in the fridge and shoot through there. Use your pantry. Nursery. Sit on your bed. Jump on your bed. Use the basement. Go to your backyard. Use it all and make it fit whatever vision you have.

stay at home photoshoot ideas content creating fridge shoots

At-home content creating tip #2: Props, Props, Props

Yes, props. Use them. Add a camera to your hand. Hold flowers or your baby lol. Toss fruit in the air. Put your shoe to your ear like a phone. Hide your face with flowers or a vase or anything. I do this often when I don’t feel like doing my makeup. Props can also be a great background. You don’t need to spend money on a background or on backdrop stands. Bed sheets thumbtacked to the wall or even draped over a garment rack will work.

at home content creating tips photoshoot

At-home content tip #3: Fun with Editing

You can take a basic photo and really elevate it with some creative editing. I’ll be doing a post on all my favorite apps soon but here are some pics I jazzed up with just some fun editing. A blank wall can be your very best friend!

at home photoshoot ideas content creating cloning
at-home content creating tips photoshoots

Bonus tip:

Take a million pictures because you never know what you can do with them. Do not go for the perfect shot because sometimes the blurry ones can be artistic or you can cut selections out of an outfit to create a cool collage.

Are you now more ready to bust out your tripod and get to creating? Let me know in the comments 🙂 Did you all enjoy these at-home content creating tips?

Get my self portrait essentials by heading over to my amazon shop.


1 Comment

  1. August 13, 2020 / 12:17 am

    Great article can’t wait for the app tips

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