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My First Feature…

First off I really am extremely honored and feel so blessed to be the bombshell of the day on one of my FAVORITE fashion blogs EVER.. Fashion Bomb Daily. Claire has always been an inspiration to me so to be on her blog is beyond A. MA. ZING!!! Second, words cannot even begin to describe how happy I feel over the positive comments and the feedback I have gotten from this. You all inspire me every day and push me to step out of my comfort zone and just HAVE FUN with fashion. I am so unbelievably humbled and just very honored.

I thank from the VERY bottom of my heart, everyone who took the time to vote and to also leave comments and to those following me now from this, PLEASE speak up and message me and feel free to offer critcicism and ideas and ANYTHING.

Again I really appreciate this SO much and will always remember this.

To go to my feature directly: Fashion Bombshell of the Day-Jennifer from DC

Thank you again and I will NEVER, ever, EVER be able to say enough thank you’s to everyone!!!!!



  1. March 13, 2011 / 3:37 am

    I’m now a follower thanks to FBD. I LOVE your style!!!!!!!! I sat in 1 sitting and read your entire blog…so refreshing! Keep it up because I’m definitely digging it 😉

  2. March 13, 2011 / 1:58 pm

    Thank you so much Curly Kye- I wanted to message you personally to say thanks but cant find your info. Regardless, I appreciate it VERY much!

  3. Jennifer Price
    March 14, 2011 / 2:06 am

    Hey Jenn,
    I also found you from FBD and I too spent sat up Friday night and read you blog all the way through. Your style is amazing (had me in the mall today looking for some wide legs, lol)! Keep doing your thing diva and I’ll keep following.

    -My name is Jennifer too, lol

  4. Anonymous
    March 14, 2011 / 4:48 pm

    Reading your blog because of FBD. Amazing style! Sexy, Classy and still very girly/feminine!Love it!

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