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My Spring Trends

Trends. Its really an ugly word to me. Why? Because so many just follow them to the T without personalizing them and making them their own. Don’t believe me, check out many other blog sites and you will see it. I am sure I have done the same, actually I am positive I have done it once or twice and that is probably why I loathe the term. Fashion is one thing and Style is another. I choose to have style rather than be “fashionable”. I can honestly say that I love and adore this outfit because it had all elements (minus leather) of clothing that I love. Moto Jacket-check, Military Inspired-Check, Caged Heels- Check, Black and White-Check, Peplum-Check. As much as I love the outfit though, I detest the way I look in these pictures. I did not spend enough time on my hair, my makeup was very off, and my accessories were lackluster. Besides the outfit, the rest does not feel like “me”. The photography I LOVE but me, I do not in these pics. This is just a lesson to prepare much better for future shoots and bring a COMB! (yes I forgot a brush or comb). Like all women, I am going through a get my ish together moment. I have put on weight and it has significantly slowed me down on the football field and it has caused my Spring and Summer clothes that are in storage to fit too tight. Football is important to me because its the last of my athletic life. I have played sports my entire life starting at the age of 7 with soccer. Then it was basketball, volleyball, track, martial arts and tennis. When I wasnt playing, I was coaching high school teams. I live and breathe sports as I live and breathe the fashion industry. I know we all pack on the pounds in the winter time but I really believe I over did it. I am a carb and sugar-aholic. I really believe that I have an addiction to them. After EVERY meal, I always need something sweet after. My body craves it and I have no will power and always give in. I have a gym membership and never use it. Forget the gym membership, for heavens sake I have a free gym here at work that I can use. But instead of utilizing these resources, I instead wave to it as I pass by on my way to the vending machine. Oh Twix Bars, how I love thee. Please dont get me wrong, I love having curves. I do not want to be super slim. I love the runner’s shape of my quads and my popeye calf muscles. When I was younger I hated my “angela basset in How Stella Got Her Groove Back Arms” but now would kill to have them back. Getting older is tough ya’ll. Your metabolism goes to the pooper and you have to try THAT much harder. I keep saying I want to get healthier again and lose the extra lovin that I have put on but yet I do nothing about it. Why? Because clearly it doesn’t bother me enough to get active. I have to find a change within myself. No one else can do it for me. But I have yet to find it. I have to find a way to be ok with portion control and not having dessert after every meal. I have to find a way to be ok eating 1400-1600 calories a day. I have to find a way to NOT eat everything on my plate. I love veggies and fruits in their natural state and I have to find a way to be satisfied with eating fruit for my dessert. Sigh…… So here is my question to everyone…… What was your motivation to get back in the gym and/or eat better? 
** p.s. more giveaways coming soon**

Jacket (on MAJOR sale): Forever 21
Peplum Dress: H&M
Leggings: Sans Souci from Rainbow
Caged Heels: JustFab
Jenni Jehanne
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