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Opening of Shobha Rockville

As much as I love all types of photography, there is something about covering events that sets my soul on fire. One of my favorite PR firms in DC, Brandlink DC invited me to the private opening of Shobha in Rockville and I was all in. Then they threw in free waxing services and I was REALLY all in! For the record, I chose the Brazilian with sugaring. Yes, you read that correctly… B R A Z I L I A N. As in making it bald. As in “ohhh you can feel the breeze!”

As soon as I stepped a floral printed heeled shoe, I was greeted by gorgeous decor with an orange, pink and rose gold scheme. I never thought I loved colors but I loved those colors together! So much so, that I could not stop snapping pics of it! I learned later that the owner, Shobha started using different colors in the interiors of her shops because competitors in New York were popping up establishments in her signature palette!

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I’m currently a client of the Shobha salons in DC and sincerely love their threaders. Sometimes if I can squeeze it in, my lunch hour consists of a 1 mile walk over to allow them to beautify me. Well, beautify my brows. One thing I have learned as I become more vintage is the importance of hair manicuring. All hair manicuring. Yes, ALL! But well groomed frame your face and help makeup look better. Brows are the je ne sais quois! But like I mentioned previously, I decided to take care of a different part of my body. And yes it DOES hurt but YES you do feel super duper clean afterwards!

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I am becoming very fond of Brandlink DC as a PR firm because they always bring the best mix of people together. It is never the same people you always see at every event and it seems that they truly pride themselves on inviting like minded, social media savvy individuals.

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At the Shobha opening I had the pleasure of chatting with Shobha herself and found her stories about the wonderful world of waxing services pretty hilarious. The one about her father will forever be embedded in my mind. All in all this was yet another fantastic event and I most certainly congratulate everyone involved in making this come together!

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To see yet another hilarious video of me enduring a Brazilian- check out my snapchat (commecoco)!


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