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Overcoming insecurities as a content creator

Overcoming insecurities as a content creator
beautiful black girl wearing geometric suit from gabi fresh and fashion to figure

Today, Monday, November 15, my insecurities were heavily triggered by something that in the end wouldn’t help me grow as a person or content creator. But yet, I was sad about it. Also mad about it. But why?

As humans, it is REALLY hard to feel excluded from things and more often than not will bring about the thought that we are ‘less than’. Obviously, we know that is not reality but our need to belong is strong and often wreaks havoc on our brains and feelings.

I have been blogging and content creating for 12 years. Ohhh wee! That’s the longest job I have held! I technically started when I lived in Florida but really became consistent when I moved to DC. I love blogging and I love creating content. It only feels like a job to me when I have to do the admin tasks that go with running this as a business.

Washington DC has never been a metropolis known for its fashion or style so when bloggers blew up the fashion scene and media outlets started seeing where I lived as somewhere stylish, I got so excited.

Here was my chance to showcase my style on a broader scale without living in New York or LA. My excitement quickly wore off as the realization hit that only a certain look or those who were in a certain social circle were being tapped for these opportunities. Not being one to stay silent, I would write blog posts or proactively reach out myself to ensure a diverse group of bloggers were being featured. But honestly, it did nothing to change the landscape and many of us continued to feel excluded.

I still feel excluded here in DC but I have learned to be ok with it.

But then…

An event happening here this week threw me right back into not feeling ok and it solidified that I still have some work to do with myself and my insecurities.

As many times I have told others that the only opinion that matters is your own or that outside noise should never derail you from your goals, here I am feeling bad about not being invited to something. Insecurities are so loud and the need and want to belong is strong AF!

It’s important for me to write this because I know I am not alone in these feelings. No matter how many community members we get on social media platforms, we want more and when we don’t have them we fall down the unnecessary hole of comparison and the dreaded “why not me”. Today I was the Queen of Why not me? Not getting invited to this ONE event, had me dissecting my content with a critical eye. Content that I love and work hard on was all of a sudden “not good enough” because I allowed outside noise to infiltrate. Because I had to submit my instagram as a qualifier and it was deemed not good enough for an invitation. Instead of thinking that maybe they have their own look in mind for their event or maybe they did not see my application, I immediately attacked myself and that’s not ok!

I wish I could sit here and say just drown out the noise and it will be fine but it is never that simple.

After wallowing for a minute or 60, I realized that I am still hurt over the first few years of blogging. The pain of watching others get opportunities that I selfishly believed I should receive. The annoyance and shame that came from trying to get a seat at the table. But it’s not only from blogging— this need to belong is rooted deeply in my upbringing too. I’ll get more into that in another blog post but growing up Haitian comes with certain traumas.

But back to this—

Why oh why did I want a seat the table so much?

I am not owed anything. I don’t deserve anything. I am not everyone’s cup of tea. Every opportunity does not have Jen Jean-Pierre on it.

So I had to flip the switch. I had to practice my beloved CBT and retrain my brain. As cliché as these sayings are, they are true. Everything happens for a reason and what is for you is for you. I stopped what I was doing and brought up my 2021 Goals list and was astonished to see how many I had accomplished. Brands I never believed I would work with, I did. Even better, my content was so good that they repurposed it not only on their channels but as ads. I increased my blog income by 730%! I mean, I should be ecstatic on that alone!

After being told numerous times, my numbers were not high enough by others, I signed with an agency and have a talent manager, shout out to Alex and of course Katie for the introductions. Katie and I have never met but she has cheered me on and actively supported me from the minute we became IG friends. I hold her dear!

I am thriving and I am growing and I was sad and mad over ONE invite. Like nahhhhhh, we aren’t doing this sis!

In my weird little mind, I equated this one event with “making it”. But what I momentarily forgot is that I have already made it. Every single day I wake up and I go after my dreams and crush my goals. I spend time with my daughter and husband. I give my family attention. I work a demanding 9-5 and still crank out quality content on a consistent basis. What’s even better, I still manage to get 7-9 hours of sleep also.

So I am making it and have made it.

I’m an accomplishment and no external force has given it to me. I crush my goals because everything I need to succeed is right inside of me. I am a success because as much as I wanted and tried to belong, I never lost sight of the importance of the community I have grown. I create for myself AND for all of you who have joined my fashion world via the various social media channels that I am on.

I apologize to all of you for being sad and mad over one thing and thinking that I was less than. Every single day you all pour into me, support me, and root for me and I will no longer diminish myself and my achievements because I did not get a seat at a certain table.

Just like the amazing Gabi Fresh, designer of this suit I am currently wearing in these photos, I will continue to pave the way for folks like me who have felt like they did not belong or were excluded. I will become laser focused to create for us and help give a voice to those who aren’t confident enough to use it.

While I am not ready to ignore the noise completely, I can make sure to consistently crank up the volume on celebrating my achievements whether big or small cause I’m doing the damn thing as you are!

Update as of 6pm on Monday night : my friend emailed and asked if I could accompany her. No, she didn’t know I felt this way. Just her being super nice and supportive.

Final update: I’m back and forth on now attending based on a small exchange via Instagram with the event holders. But I want to see my friend lol.

Would y’all go? Let me know below.



  1. Dawn
    November 16, 2021 / 9:51 am

    I say go!! There’s sometimes more than one door to go through to get in. See your friend. Does it matter who/where the invitation came from?? I love your Instagram/blog!

    • jennjeanpierre
      November 16, 2021 / 12:17 pm

      ahhhh now that makes alot of sense! Thank you

  2. November 16, 2021 / 9:58 am

    You definitely should go! Take up space in that room and show them the opportunity they missed by not inviting you.

    • jennjeanpierre
      November 16, 2021 / 12:17 pm

      youre right on that… I am also like, is it worth my energy

  3. Debbie
    November 16, 2021 / 10:41 am

    Hey Sis! It’s BRBUDDY1219. Oh we all have our issues so you are certainly not alone. Thanks for your transparency…Also, no I don’t think I would attend

    • jennjeanpierre
      November 16, 2021 / 12:16 pm

      Thank you sis! I dont think I should either but then I see possible opportunities

  4. Anna Marie
    November 16, 2021 / 1:52 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this.
    I tried blogging -sewing it didn’t go well
    I gave it up.
    I recently unfollowed a lot of accounts that we sorted started blogging at the same time or were in the same groups and they never let me in.
    I get it I suffer with that wanting to be accepted.
    But I’m learning it’s okay to take up space as I am and be fine
    Now in regards to the invite I’m on the fence
    If you think you can go and enjoy yourself go with your friend
    But if you feel like you will be easy or see people there that will make you question again why you wasn’t invited
    Don’t go
    I’m glad you remembered who you were and what you have accomplished
    I’m looking for a job first time in 10 years and the more I look the more I shrink myself and question my capabilities comparisons to others is a joy kill we have to fight against daily

  5. Courtney
    November 16, 2021 / 2:11 pm

    That’s a hard call if I would go or not! Parts of me feel like I’m still caving into wanting to be accepted by people if I go…then constantly wondering what my attitude would be like once I got there….like if I would be on my “fk y’all, alla y’all” *in my Dr. Dre voice*. DEEP HEAVY SIGH! So much to consider! If you go, have a good time and chill with your friend! If you don’t go, you are more than enough and I love your content!

  6. November 19, 2021 / 11:03 pm

    Thanks so much for sharing and being so opened about your true feelings. It’s quite ADMIRABLE and EMPOWERING!! Not being invited is in my eyes GODS protection, you are on a different road that is all your own. Hang tight, stay focused something GREATER is on the way for YOU ONLY!

    Tee xoxo

  7. November 22, 2021 / 8:45 pm

    I read your blogs and hardly very comment, but just had to now.

    Walk in like you own the place. . . . .

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