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Pandora’s Box

“I don’t ignore the evil in this world, nor am I oblivious to its turmoil, but I choose to exude light and love because only that can fight darkness. I can’t preach peace while taking a life any more than you can breathe without a tank underwater, the end result is death… either physical or spiritual. I’d rather die happy than to live broken and be dead inside. This is why I smile big and laugh loud and love hard because eventually the world has to catch up. It may just be one person at a time, but pay it forward nonetheless because it’s one more person than it was before.” –Ruth Trulife Tufaite
No matter the depths of its suffering, the human spirit will always swim back to the surface.

I am not a perfect person and I really do not want to be. There is nothing idyllic in my opinion about being perfect. Every single mistake that I make allows me to become a better person as long as I learn from them. Growing and evolving is what makes a wonderful person and that is what I strive to be. A good person rather than a perfect person. In a very short amount of time, I came face to face with some of the most dangerous women on this planet. They were not wielding guns, toting knives, or carrying bombs but instead carrying the most destructive weapon a human can have, a poisonous tongue. I have been lied about too many times these last few weeks and it truly sent me into a state of mild depression.

What is even worse, my boyfriend is suffering the consequences of one of these women’s volatile ways and it hurts me to the core. He is not perfect at all either but I can honestly say, I have never met a more HONEST and GOOD person. His heart is so incredibly pure. No matter what has happened to him and it has not been the best, he continues to lead his life the righteous way. He really is someone to look up to and not to bring down. He is the epitome of rising from what you came from. He never allowed anything in his upbringing to give him excuses to be a selfish person. There are not too many people like him and I am still in awe sometimes of his purity of soul.

 I rarely allow anyone else’s behavior to deeply affect me but this time around it has. Two separate situations, two separate women but the same outcome. I have spoken to all my close confidantes in regards to this and everyone pretty much says the same thing. Ignore it. Continue to be a good person and do everything with a pure heart. Well I am trying.

I think what really made me feel the worse about it is that I tried to help these women. I have a bad habit of wanting to help the lost. Even if I am not “all together”, I still want to assist in anyway that I can because I believe in the good in people. In both instances, I was warned and warned not to but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and well I have the emotional scars to show how that went. I got bit and well it hurts.

I am a huge fan of greek mythology and will always remember the story of Pandora’s Box. When everything bad was released into the world, one thing remained in the box forever. Hope. We must never, ever lose hope. Once you lose hope, you lose everything. So because of this, I still continue to have hope for humanity and will always wish the best for those who have lost touch with their humanity. Life is not always about leather, pattern mixing, and Zara clothes and I believe you all are a part of my life. Thank you for letting me share with you a little piece of me. Outfit posts and cool photo editing video from Sig coming very soon!

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