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Pink and Radiant Orchid

taken with my iPhone 5s on Verizon Network by Greg Proctor

One of the best descriptions I read about my style is that it is “clean, crisp with a katana blade sharp edge”. I absolutely loved it because I do love classics and basic pieces and then spicing them up a little bit with color, leather or studs.

The day back to work from a long weekend is always the toughest but I always try to wear something bright in order to perk myself up. I recently purchased this pink turtleneck at Gap and knew it would be the absolute best item to perk up a navy blazer and jeans combo. Add some leopard loafers and boom, instantly chic outfit for my 9-5!

Turtleneck: GAP
Loafers: Chinese Laundry (similar)
Purse: Rainbow
Sunnies: Ray Ban
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