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Purely Inspired: Cynthia H. Designs

Hey all-
From previous posts you probably know I love jewelry that is inspirational and love jewelry that has words on it. Next to studded jewelry it is prob my fave. While trolling for a new obsession, I came across Cynthia H. Designs and seriously fell in love. Im not obsessed, I am just head over heels in love with their products. The best part is its not super expensive, actually quite affordable so I will definitely stock up. Another fab thing is you can pick and choose the colors of the band you would like. I am pretty excited about these and will prob OD on my arm by stacking them up! Check it out and let me know what you think…. in the mean time, here are some of my faves πŸ™‚

Love this message!!! Everyone talks about listening and following your heart but your soul deserves some attention as well! To purchase click HERE ( I got it but in a different color band)
Ever heard the saying “Karma is a “B”…. well this is certainly what this lil bracelet is stating in a nicer way πŸ™‚
Want it? HERE you go
To view the rest of the collection please click below……

                                   Mini Inspiration Bracelets…. view colors at Cynthia H. Designs



  1. August 12, 2011 / 6:03 am

    of course. Thanks for reading πŸ™‚

  2. August 12, 2011 / 6:35 pm

    cute, cute, cute! I was actually online looking for a customizable ring (band and chain) on my friend’s etsy site, now I’m going to check out these bracelets. Thanks!

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