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Rick Ross, Rape and Fashion

Whether you are a veteran of Comme Coco or just finding the blog, one thing is for certain, I am extremely opinionated and vocal about those opinions. I have learned to tone it down a notch or 5 because I am trying to build a brand but at the same time keep my integrity. Blogs are personal and should be, regardless if its a fashion blog or a cooking blog. They are based on your choices, feelings and thoughts on the topic. Yesterday I read about Rick Ross’ lyrics on a new song and the idea that it condones rape. He spoke on ” Put molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it / I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it”. I am not the most skilled in urban lingo but last time I checked a Molly was a drug and usually ecstasy if I remember correctly. So with that, Mr. Rick Ross you are implying that you would drug a woman and then take her home with you without her consent since she would not know it? Its correct you didn’t use the actual word rape in your lyrics but you are implying you enjoyed something and she didn’t know it…. what did you enjoy, sir? Tucking her in and singing her a lullaby? If that is the case then why didn’t you give her some warm milk rather than a “molly? Many are probably reading and thinking, ok Jen, yes its terrible but what does that have to do with fashion and your blog? Well… it doesn’t.  It didn’t until someone made a comment to me about one of my advertisements on my sidebar and their connection to the illustrious rapper. This amazing clothing line, Front Row is Shateria’s baby and she just happens to be Rick Ross’ girlfriend. While I truly adore the leather pieces, creativity and her craftmanship, if she is ok with that song, does that mean she condones it and in turn does that mean that I should represent her business on the blog? I truly am at lost. I know we are all “guilty by association” and “beware the company you keep” but I truly am at a crossroads because should she suffer because of this but at the same time she CHOOSES to be with him and with that is saying she supports this? I have seen both arguments that your career is not who you are and that he really is just an entertainer and wants to be controversial in order to sell records. I get it. I agree with that thought but aren’t there certain lines that should NEVER be crossed even for money and fame? As a blogger, things are thrown our way time and time and time again. Some may get fancier items than others but in the end its all free or “c/o” things. I would be a bold face liar if I stated that I didn’t love the opportunity to do what I enjoy and get really cool new things from it. I love it. But I also do not want to sell my soul to the Sponsored Post devil either. Its a very fine line. I do not know where I stand with it. I don’t think Front Row should be penalized for something out of their control. It was not her or the company who chose to rap (rather terribly I may add) about violating a woman and until she speaks on this issue and gives the public her insight on the matter, I will continue to leave the Front Row ad on my side bar with some reservation. I always tell my boyfriend that what he does affects me and my image and vice versa so am I a sell out because I am giving her this chance? I love her vision and I love that she is from Baltimore and I do want to support that. I am also sure she is battling with her head and her heart over this. But I am being extremely honest that I no longer want to support Rick Ross. I mean seriously, did he not remember what just happened in Steubenville?  He is featured on some songs that I truly do enjoy (as I love some ratchet music) but I will have to make a very strong effort to erase them from my playlists or fast forward past his parts. What I hope you take from this is that as a blogger there are a ton of temptations to sponsor and promote products or brands that you don’t like solely for the money. We all would like money and its hard to turn down but in the end, is it really worth it? Are you staying true to yourself? If you do write posts for money and not because you do in fact love the product or brand, how can you discredit any entertainer that does things for the money as well…. that means no Kim K sex tape profit making bashing by ANY of you. So I choose to step away from Rick Ross and wait to see what Shateria says about it rather than immediately mark her with a Scarlett letter. I am firm believer that WE as a society make these entertainers relevant and WE make them wealthy by supporting, attending, and listening to their music and music concerts. Like bloggers, without readers we would just be people taking up world wide web space. If this is the small way I can help assist in changing what our youth hears and dances to, then this is my small way. Let’s teach that money is not everything and being true to yourself is FAR more important. We need money to survive but we do not need to be greedy. EVER.
I will make an impact in one way or another. Small or big. It all helps.Because really…….
If you don’t stand for something, you will far for anything.
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