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Sheer Dresses and Random Facts About Me

The other day on Instagram, I was tagged to share random facts about me and decided to take it to the blog. I always have a hard time with these because I am just a random person and can never think of the truly good random things.

But for the sake of this post, I will name 5 things that are truly random about me that I feel like sharing today.

So let’s start shall we…..



I absolutely LOVE mayonnaise. Like I cannot have a sandwich without it. And trust me I have tried. Sometimes I go a little overboard and mix my ketchup and mayo to make my own little sauce to put on my sandwiches or burgers or even to dip my fries. Just typing about it makes me want a sandwich right now that is how deep my love of mayonnaise runs! I also JUST learned how to spell it. Apparently there are 2 Ns in the word… hmmmm.




Another random fact about me…. If I did not work in a corporate space, I would have far more tattoos and possibly piercings. I absolute love body ink and currently have 6 tattoos and 4 piercings I believe. My second tat ever, I got to honor my sister and once I got home, I realized that it was NOT her astrological sign. So instead of pisces + virgo on my wrist I am rocking an aries. I kept it because I felt that it happened for a reason. One day an aries will walk into my life. Although my fiancee is not, Im thinking maybe my first child will be…….




[aesop_parallax height=”900px” img=”” parallaxbg=”on” parallaxspeed=”6″ captionposition=”bottom-left” lightbox=”off” floater=”on” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”none” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

I have an OBSESSION with skulls. I find them beautiful and intriguing. Im lucky that Jermaine is ok with them because our living room decor is certainly skulled out.










Im a HUUUUGGGGEEEE fan of Tupac. Even went so far to go to LA with my family and pour out some liquor for him even though I was far too young for all of that but I had to. (thanks to my dad for chaperoning me) Still to this day I am a West Side vs East Side. I know that TuPac technically was east coast but he repped the W till his death so I do too.” My good luck song before every single volleyball game in high school was ” Hail Mary”. I did not listen to it one time and we lost so badly that to this day I still consider it a good luck charm. Oh, Im hella superstitious as well. So there 2 facts in one lol.























[aesop_quote type=”block” background=”#010101″ text=”#ffffff” width=”750px” align=”left” size=”1″ quote=”The psychology of serial killers is fascinating to me. I can watch old episodes of Criminal Minds over and over and I absolutely adore Dexter. Analyzing the mind is quite important. We rarely do things just to do them so I am constantly dissecting every action- whether I made them or someone close to me. Serial killers fascinate me because to commit most of these types of killings you really have to have alot of hate in your heart. You aren’t born with hate so that means something or somethings in life caused you to grow this. Also the way one chooses to kill in a pattern is very interesting. Although separate, I delved DEEP into psychology after a horrible but oh so necessary break up in 2014. I read so many books and took a million classes and just fell in love with human behavior.” parallax=”off” direction=”left” revealfx=”off”]



[aesop_quote type=”block” background=”#e986c2″ text=”#ffffff” width=”700px” height=”125″ align=”center” size=”3″ quote=”Learn anything new?” parallax=”off” direction=”left” revealfx=”off”]




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  1. January 23, 2018 / 12:17 pm

    We share a love of tatoos. I have about 4 more I want to get but not sure which one to get first.

  2. January 24, 2018 / 3:42 pm

    I absolutely love this sheer dress! It’s so classy and chic! Plus I loved learn more about you! I also think — wait I know I would have more tattoos if I didn’t work for corporate companies. I do feel they are becoming the norm now in some companies. Thanks for sharing!

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