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Silky Shorts….

Hey all-
Happy Friday! I felt like this was the longest week ever of life but I am so happy that its the weekend. I’m pretty geeked because some of my friends are coming to my place for game night tomorrow. I have been in crazy prep mode to make sure that my lil abode is clean and pretty. Does anyone else go into crazy mode cleaning when you know someone is coming over? I have a friend who cleans pretty much every day… her place is always visitor friendly. I wish I were that person but my bed turns into my closet because I never quite know what I want to wear. You’d think I would just put it right back on the hanger but NOPE, I sure dont.
This is just a super quick lil post to show these adorable little silk shorts I bought from H&M. Im obsessed with their shorts because they are super soft and have ample leg room for us “healthy” legged girls. I recommend checking them out if you can. My leopard shorts from a few posts ago were from there as well. View that post HERE. They are the best cut ever and if I can, I will buy about 3 more.

 those darn indoor shots but what can I do till my external flash arrives??
Love, love these shoes that I bought about 3 years ago but never tire of

To see more, please click below…..

 My Invicta watch is easily one of my fave pieces. I hate the color yellow but have grown to love it because of this watch. I get so excited when HauteLook has a watch blowout sale. Do any of you do sample sale site shopping?? Let me know if you’d like to be invited to Haute Look.. send me your email if you do… Similar watch can be found HERE or another less expensive version HERE

 I so wish I had a kick butt statement necklace to wear. I love a bold necklace with a high crew neck top. I guess I know what my next purchase needs to be
There it goes again, that cheesy lil smile of mine. Sigh… maybe when I am 50, I will have the sexy smile
Shoes: Joey
Pisces Necklace: Similar
**all links are similar items or the exact product**
Jenni Jehanne


  1. August 6, 2011 / 3:29 am

    I love the printed shorts ! They add a twist to the outfit 🙂

  2. August 6, 2011 / 3:33 am

    LOVE IT!!!



  3. August 9, 2011 / 9:14 pm

    Cute indeed. So glad there’s an H&M there.

  4. Ona
    August 11, 2011 / 6:36 pm

    Love the shorts! Nice pedi by the way lol

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