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Styling Denim Shorts in the Winter


Styling Denim Shorts

It was unseasonably warm in DC on Saturday and I really wanted to wear my denim shorts… so I did. But with tights of course because although it was in the low 60s, mama didn’t raise a complete fool. If you all have not noticed, I have a thing for layering. I dont ever feel complete with just one item on. It could be a fabulous dress and I feel the need to add a jacket or a vest. I am working on not doing that.

You are probably wondering, why is this lunatic talking about layering when she has on a pretty basic outfit… well its because I took off layers when I was styling this. The finished product is pretty basic but it started off “doing a a little too much!”

Like I wrote in a previous post, I almost always start my dressing process already having chosen a focus piece. I was finally unpacking from Florida and I saw my denim shorts and had this unsettling need to wear them. So I started with those and a basic white t-shirt but had some thinking to do about the jacket. I initially had settled on this mint coat but it just did not speak to me. I looked over in my closet and remembered this grey wool blazer and it just all fell together. I had chosen a pair of pink pumps to wear instead but in my haste, I forgot to throw them in my car on my way to Kizzy’s house! Although I am not thrilled about the striped pumps, they work well enough. The clutch I am carrying is from my favorite vintage boutique B4 Kizzy Evae! I will definitely debuting some more pieces from there because its all so fabulous!

how to style denim shorts commecoco18 commecoco9 commecoco16 commecoco7 commecoco6My shorts were some thrifted ones that I cut up but all my favorite denim sorts can be found right here!

Blazer | White Shirt: LnA | Shorts: DIY | Tights: No Nonsense | Heels: Forever 21 |

Vintage Clutch: B4 Kizzy Evae | Sunnies: A’gaci | Necklace: Windsor |




  1. February 10, 2015 / 5:07 am

    Great look darling, I like very much!
    Coat+shorts+tights+heels=fantastic look!
    ———————————————————————-= VERY ATRACTIVE POST

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