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Swoon of the Week…

Hey all-
in March, I fell in love with a dress and at the time I was moving into a new place and had to be on a budget (AHHH) and just could not fit it into my financials. 2 weeks later when I went to purchase it, to my DISMAY it was GONE! POOF! VANISHED! OUT OF STOCK!!! I called and emailed and begged and pleaded and was told that it wasn’t coming back. Then today the lil fashion angel (or is she a devil) on my shoulder told me to just check and see if maybe I could find something similar. Well I didnt find similar, I found IT!!! Its back and I am oh so very happy…… like I always say, sharing is caring so here is my SWOON on the week…. if you like it, buy it bc I doubt it will last…..

 Warehouse One Shoulder Leopard Maxi Dress… to Purchase click HERE
want it… click here
my bf hates, detests and loathes leopard print but I LOVES IT…. yup I dress for me mostly and him when he deserves it (which is almost always but still, Im not giving up my leopard print)
Speaking of Leopard Print, when I was young I had this book that also had a tape and it was called Baby Leopard… Im def doing a google search to see if I can find it. It was an african tale about how leopards got their spots and it was so good. I remember the drums and the songs… one song to be exact… ohhh the memories!!!!


  1. August 2, 2011 / 4:48 pm

    Very beautiful but I’m only 5 feet tall and hemming it would shorten the split 🙁

  2. August 2, 2011 / 6:43 pm

    I’m sure this will look fab on you because you aren’t short LOL I’m 5’1 and it would look a mess on me. A girl 5’6+ would WERK this.

  3. Ona
    August 2, 2011 / 10:35 pm

    Girl this is so you! I can def see you rocking this. Happy you got it. Its a stomach turning feeling when something you want is sold out.

  4. August 11, 2011 / 3:00 pm

    men forget that most of the time we are dressing for ourselves haha. I love the dress and i think you should get it.

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