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The Post Man Always Rings Twice…..

Hey all-
I am starting to really love DC summer now because the humidity is going down and the nights are just a tad cooler. I love that I can just be warm outside but not drenched in sweat after 5 minutes. With that said, I was hosting the DC Fashion Bloggers Meetup tonight but due to work issues, many members weren’t able to make it. Not wanting to give up the reservation, I got some of my girls together and we just had a low key lil chick night. These are the best!!! I am a tomboy at heart but will always be a Girls Girl. I adore QT with my chicks and Poste Moderne gave us the perfect setting for outdoor seating, people watching and yummy (overpriced) but yummy snacks…….

These shoes are becoming my go to summer platform. I am going to have to buy them in far more colors.  Jessica Simpson Dany‘s are the way to go….

Jleh, myself and Sade from 9 to Fly

Sade from lookin fly and fierce

This lady that was dining close to us had the most A.MA.ZING pair of pumps ever. I lacked the “ovaries” to get the courage to ask if I could take a pic so the better, more courageous Jennifer did it for me. Thanks sis!!! 
The better and more courageous Jen

Funny story of the evening was when I received an email around 4:15 at work from the other Jen aka sister from another mister asking me what I am wearing and that she has on the dress that we both got and just making sure I am not wearing it either… ummm YEAH I was. Thank goodness I had brought an extra dress just in case I wasn’t in the mood to wear the brown dress. Funny thing is we BOTH accessorized with turquoise. I had on a turquoise belt and she had the fabulous statement necklace. Have you guys ever worn the same dress to the same event as a friend??
Dress: Tramp
Shoes: Jessica Simpson Dany
Sunnies: H&M (similar ones HERE and more PRICEY)
Watch: Nexus… Similar
Bracelets: Forever 21
Jenni Jehanne


  1. August 11, 2011 / 3:37 am

    Lovely post…. Am totally in love with your dress. Do you ever have bad hair days ?

  2. August 11, 2011 / 4:25 am

    love the look…those shoes are on my wish list, soon as the budget allows!

  3. August 11, 2011 / 7:35 am

    You look great! I LOVE those JS Platforms…QT with the girls is ALWAYS necessary!

  4. August 11, 2011 / 1:12 pm

    Thank you so much everyone… that was a terrible and I mean terrible hair day… Im telling you this camera works wonders lol

  5. Ona
    August 11, 2011 / 6:18 pm

    Love your dress def something i would rock. I agree your hair always looks good lol Sade and Jen are both working it too! Get it ladies! That woman’s heels are unique yet chic.

  6. August 11, 2011 / 9:22 pm

    I have a top from Tramp! I have no idea where to find their stuff, but I ordered mine from a MAGIC tradeshow in Vegas. Cute! Love the dress with the Dany’s!


  7. August 11, 2011 / 10:40 pm


    Let me tell you, I had so much fun hanging with Jennifer…she is fabulous, fierce and very humble! A very rare combo. The shoes are incredibly redic, love ’em!


  8. August 12, 2011 / 6:01 am

    AWWW Thank you so much everyone and extra thanks to Sade. So excited to have you come with me to the IFB Blogger Conference during New York Fashion Week 🙂

  9. August 12, 2011 / 6:02 am

    @ cortnie… I have searched high and low and cannot find them ANYWHERE…. I have two dresses from them that I got at a little store near my house… thanks

  10. August 12, 2011 / 1:57 pm

    Lovely dress! i keep seeing these shoes genleu fo’m achte youn. they are nice

  11. August 12, 2011 / 8:04 pm

    Ladies are loooking really lovely.

    Love your tan shoes. 🙂 Platforms?

  12. August 14, 2011 / 1:33 am

    I’m loving your outfit and see you copped yourself some JS….yes arent they amazeballs. see you soon love

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  13. Mindy
    August 30, 2011 / 5:53 pm

    love this post. You look so slender.

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