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The SensHAITIAN behind Bien Abye

Hey all-
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dayanne Danier who is the creative genius behind the amazing Bien Abye line. Dayanne Danier is of Haitian lineage (so of course Im geeked) and does her best to infuse the rich colors of our beautiful island into each and every one of her spectacular pieces. I loved all her answers and could relate to her recollection of Haitian weddings and how important looking good is in our community! Upon browsing her site I fell in LOVE with this tropical printed jumpsuit… A. MA. ZING!! I am beyond excited to meet her in person tomorrow at the NOVA Fashion Week Behind the Scenes event where she will debut her collection in a much anticipated fashion show…… dont forget to RSVP and get your tickets ASAP because you surely do NOT want to miss this!!!
Please read below to see who she would love to dress and how she feels about bloggers in the fashion industry, her answers will surprise you 🙂
This is one of my FAVE looks from her look book… kelly green top and canary yellow pants, oh I DIE and oh I NEED!!!!
Purely sensHAITIANAL (c) Jason Lataillade of Senshaitian

What made you choose a creole name for your brand as opposed to the French way?
Growing up the phrase “Bien Abye” was used all the time. What you look like when you leave the house was a very important topic to my parents. My family is from Haiti and Creole was spoken at home. So when it came to choosing a name other than my own, it fit well to me. And actually, the way I spell “Bien” is French. So I use a little of both.
In 4 words, how would you describe your personal style and in 3 how would you describe your new collection?
My personal style is sophisticated, chic, and tailored. My current collection, the Amazon Comes Alive is vibrant, feminine, and striking.

If you could dress any woman on this planet who would it be and what piece from your collection would you put her in?
I love this question! Definitely Michelle Obama. I loved her on the campaign and I am proud of her as the First Lady. She is active in her lifestyle: through work, in her community, and at home. That is the Bien Abye client.
As far as which style, I would say the orange silk/wool suit. It would be an amazing color on her and the silhoutte would look fabulous on her statuesque shape.

Has the Haitian culture inspired your designs and vision in the fashion industry?
Of course! My sense of color alone, I would say comes from the Haitian culture. Haitian artist are really good with color palettes. It doesn’t always have to be bright, I am talking more about how we mix color and use it. Color is one of my favorite elements to design and I feel I have inheritated that trait from my culture.
In regards to my vision of fashion, I strongly believe I am a designer because my Haitian parents were always pushing “image, image, image”. Contrary to what we see on TV, the Haitian culture is very much into how one looks. If you go to a Haitian wedding…you may think you are at the Oscars based on how everyone is dress. LOL!

What is your favorite fashion quote?
“A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous!” -Coco Channel

If you could work with any fashion icon dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would say Marilyn Monroe, because of her real womanly figure

What were your thoughts on Donna Karan’s Haitian inspired collection?

Inspiration for artist/designers is very subjective. Initially, I was a little removed from it because of the lack of tropical colors that usually represent the region. But when I went back and explore the artwork of Philipe Dodard, which was a big influence on her Haitian inspired collection, then I have to say, it was done very well. His use of color is very apparent in her collection and was a good match with her brand.

Besides your show on Friday here in DC for NOVA fashion week, what’s next on your agenda?

I have a pretty active summer schedule for the collection. I will be doing a few more shows in other areas. My focus is to tour other regions as much as possible to get the Bien Abye by Dayanne Danier brand out to the public and into boutiques.

How do you feel about bloggers in the fashion industry and what role can they play in your company’s success?

In this day and age, with technology, I feel bloggers are very important in the fashion industry. Technology is immediate and that is the way people are moving. Society wants to find out information right away, and bloggers have the advantage of having constant current information.

For me as a designer, that is great because I can pitch the brand to a blogger for a feature within the coming weeks rather than 3 months out like a print magazine. Also the viral advantage, things move throughout the media faster on the internet and bloggers can influence that. So I hope to partner with a few during this NOVA Fashion Week event and beyond.

the extraordinarily talented Ms. Danier

Jenni Jehanne

1 Comment

  1. Jacf
    May 3, 2012 / 9:27 pm

    nice looks but a little older

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