The weekend. The glorious 2 days that the way you spend your time is all up to you. No strict work dealines, no crazy commute to and from work and NO public transportation. Ok well that is probably not everyone’s weekend but it sure is how I view mine!
Most of you know that I play flag football on the weekends and my Saturdays and Sundays are usually spent shuffling back and forth between fields in the DC area. I would not change it for the world but I do get pretty excited for the weekends that I can actually check things OFF of my to-do list because I was able to devote time to them. This Saturday I spent most of the day with Sig going over the launch of my new site, learning photoshop and wordpress and of course just having fun with him. He truly is one of my best friends and I believe he is a GENIUS with photo processing. But he hates when I go on and on so I will stop at that. Sig is that deal!!
On Sunday I accompanied my boyfriend to the USFTL States Tournament to watch the semis and championships. Although we did not stay for the whole day (I mean the Ravens were playing) I was able to take some shots for two teams who requested photographs.
Congratulations to all the teams who competed this year and definitely to the ones I was fortunate enough to snap!
-Photo Intensive Post below-