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Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Valentine’s Day.

Two words that send women into romantic overdrive and men running for the hills. I personally have never been a huge fan of the day probably because I rarely celebrate it. Something wrong always happens on or near this day and well, I just stopped getting excited over it.

I haven’t always had bad things happen on Feb. 14th but overall, well, I think I will pass on it. When I peruse my memory bank though, one particular V-Day comes to mind. I was in 8th grade at St. Gerard Catholic School in Lansing, MI and one of my classmates had an unbearable crush on me. I hate to put labels on people but he was ummm the “odd one”. He did not quite fit in with our class as we pretty much all fit in the athletic and just “too cool for school” categories. Yes, it was THAT kind of school. But I digress…. His name was Michael Sackrider (poor thing) and he was unbelievably sweet and nice and I am the one who always befriends the outcasts. Why? Because everyone deserves kindness and you never, ever know what someone may be going through. Well Michael wanted to show me how special I was and bought me jewelry for Valentines Day and as much as I wanted to love them…. they were the cheesiest earrings you could find. We are talking  glittery red and pink hearts dangling from cubic zirconia faux lips. I accepted my gift with a smile and definitely channeled my “It’s the thought that counts” mentality. I was teased mercilessly by my classmates but hey, they didn’t get gifts!  Although not the most ideal, this is the best valentines day I have had in my 32 years on this planet. Thank you Mr. Sackrider for being a part of my most fond memory of this Hallmark holiday!

For those who want to give more favorable gifts to your loved ones, significant others, or crushes, here is my gift guide for your viewing pleasure:

vday gift guide ccGold Lip Print | Gold Headphones | Pink Love Pumps | Rose 31 Eau de Parfum | Kiss Me Stud Earrings | The Big Book of Chic | Passport Case | Gold Candle | Frilly Day of the Week undies | Black Feather Pumps | Mr & Mrs Clutch |



  1. February 5, 2015 / 11:44 pm

    How sweet of Mr. Sackrider. (But really, that’s some kind of last name.) Anywho, the Black Feather Pumps are perfect for a (naughty) Valentine’s Day.

    Speaking of which, I’m yet to have a good V-Day. And that’s not gonna change next week, either. lolol.

  2. February 9, 2015 / 8:50 pm

    Great gift ideas! I may have to take a look at these feather pumps though.

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